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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Partisan hypocrites: Left-wing ‘LGBTQ rights' groups bash GOP anti-discrimination bill

Left-wing gay and transgender rights groups are simply overjoyed at the fact that a Republican member of Congress, Rep. Chris Stewart, just introduced a landmark anti-discrimination bill.

Just kidding: They’re actually frothing at the mouth and melting down — reminding us once more that they are really just front groups for the Democratic Party.

The controversy stems from Stewart’s introduction of a new bill dubbed “Fairness for All.” It's a comprehensive, eminently reasonable update to federal civil rights law that would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes, yet carve out important exceptions to protect religious liberty. The bill comes with the backing of numerous conservative and religious groups, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church). It would have been unimaginable, even a decade ago, for such conservative institutions to spearhead an important gay rights campaign.



  1. HOGWASH. Utter partisan spin.

    This isn't about given any group of people equal protection... this is about allowing religious folks special rights, outside of and beyond the law.

    You can't in one breath say, "we'll give you equal rights" and in the next say "unless it's when we don't want to".

    This thing is a pass for religious people to discriminate against gays. Wrapping it up as a "rights bill" for gays is just a lie.

    Your right to have your religion ends with YOU. YOU get to not be gay, YOU get to not get gay married.

    If you serve the public, you must serve the public. If you don't want to, then don't have a public business, form a private club that only members can use.

    This is simple, and not hard.

    1. Walk into a mosque and demand they perform a wedding ceremony....... what...... crickets???? Amazing how you only focus on Christianity but leave out the other religions. Don’t like it here? This country was founded on Christianity and as such, you have the freedoms that you do here that are not found in other countries. Tell you what, get ahold of Elon Musk. Sign up for his mission to Mars. You and everyone else that doesn’t like or respect this country and the constitution can take the years it take to get to Mars to layout your new governing documents for colonizing Mars. Make it however you want.

  2. Luciferian BS...just STOP shoving the twisted logic of the lefts evil agenda down everyone throats..if you a catholic then you ABIDE BY THERE RULES..dont like it leave but dont force the institution to change just for your selfiness.


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