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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Notre Dame Students Demand to Read Fewer White Authors

Activists at the University of Notre Dame are demanding a radical transformation of school policies and curriculum to purportedly cater to the desires of non-white, LGBT, and female students.

A student group calling itself “End Hate at ND” has issued a list of demands and has held multiple campus protests in an attempt to bring about those changes.

Included in the list are calls to “Decolonize Academia” and “Implement Diversity Training In Each Dorm.”

“No course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices,” the group says. “We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings. Diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.”



  1. they still dont write in ebonics

  2. perhaps they could complete their education, become a professor at the university, then have say on the curriculum they soooo detest. With great risk of sounding ignorant, please f-off

  3. What does it matter. These commie schools are putting out dim wits anyway.

  4. 50k a year gets you.

  5. This is racist and reverse discrimination. Hateful angry racists.

  6. Why is it hate to read books by white people? Obama and the democrat party are responsible for this low IQ rabble, Idiots like this have no business even being in an institute of higher learning.

  7. Sorry. But if you want a Catholic education?! Don't go to ANY Catholic college. More Democrat run institutions. It must be from the non educated sports department. Go to ND and still can't read or speak English.

  8. I understand that Notre Dame will be trying to recruit new students from the Islamic community in order to maintain a twenty-five percent Islamic class for 2020.

  9. Nasty whites like Shakespeare,Wordsworth, Hemingway,Dickens,Voltaire, Blake, von Goethe, John Keats, Samuel Johnson, Robert Burns Tennyson,Edgar Allan Poe...

    Lotta hate there.
    Can't learn anything from these guys.

  10. Omg find them a safe space with padded walls and spongebob to protect them!

  11. Right on, 5:54. You are right!

  12. Notre Dame Students Demand to Read Fewer White Authors


    If this isn't evidence that our students are being brainwashed and indoctrinated.

  13. I have a novel idea.

    Try finding a college that has books with less white authors.

    This is the entitlement mentality.

  14. Must be blacks wanting more black authors.

  15. Just like the African Americans attending Washington and Lee University wanting to take the faces of Washington and Lee off their diplomas because it might offend someone because they were "slave owners."

    Well if you might be offended then you are at the wrong school.

    Just like the black guy last year wanted Robert E. Lee removed from the college.

  16. Anonymous said...
    This is racist and reverse discrimination. Hateful angry racists.

    November 26, 2019 at 4:27 PM

    Exactly. And they probably aren't Catholic either.

  17. Anonymous said...
    I understand that Notre Dame will be trying to recruit new students from the Islamic community in order to maintain a twenty-five percent Islamic class for 2020.

    November 26, 2019 at 6:13 PM

    Doesn't surprise me, but is that true?

    I've noticed that Pope Francis has turned into a big Muslim lover. He is too stupid to realize those same Muslims will be quick to separate his head with a blade of cold steel.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Omg find them a safe space with padded walls and spongebob to protect them!

    November 26, 2019 at 6:56 PM

    Isn't it sickening?

  19. Anonymous said...
    Why is it hate to read books by white people? Obama and the democrat party are responsible for this low IQ rabble, Idiots like this have no business even being in an institute of higher learning.

    November 26, 2019 at 5:50 PM

    I just read where Ivy League schools will be lowering their standards as well. This country has become a laughing stock to other countries with high standards.

  20. Those poor little naive students. They think book quotas are an answer. Regulate what people think AND read. And they have no idea that their ideology is a communist one. Poor parents, they pay for their children to get educated, and their children are more ignorant after they graduate.

  21. Mind control at its most pathetic

  22. Does anyone think they would buckle down and study a curriculum of THEIR own choice? Gimme a break, that would mean work! That would be too hard!


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