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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Moms Petition Hallmark Channel To Quit LGBTQ Content

It seems the Hallmark Channel has come under fire from multiple directions in recent days: From the Left for not being diverse enough and from the Right for including LGBTQ content.

According to The Hill, thousands of moms have petitioned the channel to halt its hosting of LGBTQ-related material on its platform.

“One Million Moms, a branch of the American Family Association, has posted a petition of complaint after Hallmark aired a Zola commercial that featured a lesbian couple getting married and sharing a kiss. Its petition has almost 22,000 signatures as of Thursday afternoon,” reports the outlet.

“Until recently, Hallmark had a good record for keeping their movies and commercials family-friendly,” the petition says.



  1. Us Mom's need to get on those advertisers too. It is sick to see so many "Mixed Race" couples in the ads lately. This is not the norm, they are 1% of America. I for one do not want my daughter thinking it is okay to date or marry a person of another race.

  2. Since the vast majority of those in the ‘entertainment’ industry are gay or bisexual they are the ones who control the content.
    I worked for a company where the HR division was mostly gays. Within a short time it seemed the new hires were gay or bi. Being gay or bi seemed to be a requirement for promotion. I eventually went to work with a competitor and the previous company soon went bankrupt.

  3. Perhaps you have been watching the Lifetime Network Showtime. They do all the lgbtqr related shows. Some of the actors have been on the Hallmark Christmas Shows.

  4. These fringe radical perverted groups need to be pushed back and hard!

  5. I don't care about mixed race couples. We're all humans here. But don't try that lgbtq biologically defiant crap. They're trying to go in bathrooms, and push their assinine agenda on the kids, with storytime at the F-ing library, etc. They're the ones to watch out for.

  6. 2:49 you are stupid. Yes we are all humans, but it violates the laws of nature. Birds are a group, but you don't see Robins with Blue Jays, or Starlings with Sparrows. It is against the laws of God too. He told the Israelites to marry from their own tribe to keep the bloodline pure.

    This country has gotten so far away from the Bible that is why we now have this LBGQRST whatever they are Freak group!

    1. Omg, you actually believe the stuff written by man in the bible. Take a religious history course and enlighten yourself, and stop believing everything you learned in Sunday school.

    2. Excuse me, but have you. noticed ducks lately? The mallard and drake thing going on in color. Or other animals who mate of different colors? Probably about the same percentage as human interracial couples. Please try to get your head out of your a$$ sometime soon. Your missing so much life with your blinders on.

  7. I also saw a commercial for H & R which is in the centre here in Salisbury. It has 2 men kissing. Turned off Hallmark until they stop this nonsense.

  8. Don't watch or shop just for this reason.

  9. Boycott the advertisers until Hallmark comes to it's senses.


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