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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

McConnell impeachment recusal would disqualify scores of Democrats

Calls for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to recuse himself from an impeachment trial of President Trump because he allegedly prejudged the case also would remove scores of Democrats if they are held to the same standard, including most of the chamber’s 2020 presidential hopefuls.

Mr. McConnell drew criticism for lacking impartiality when he declared last week that he was on the same page with the White House when preparing for a trial.

“Everything I do during this, I’m coordinating with the White House counsel. There will be no difference between the president’s position and our position as to how to handle this,” the Kentucky Republican told Fox News.

The remarks spurred House Democrats to call for his recusal as a juror in the impeachment trial, suggesting he won’t be impartial in deciding whether Mr. Trump should be convicted and removed from office.

By that measure, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer also could be sidelined for the trial.



  1. Why, because we who elected the man are still on his side and you Hillary lovers are still suffering from TDS?

  2. McConnell is doing just fine...

  3. The Senate is rigging this process

  4. 11:59

    Oh, like the house dumbocrats didn't "Rig" the process to begin with?

    All McConnel needs to do is limit the "Trial" to what is presented from the house and nothing more.

    The house dumbocrats don't even have the beginning of a case and everyone knows it!

    Since the supreme court agreed to take up Trumps case about subpoenas, the obstruction of congress case has ZERO merit.

    Oh, and by the way, a House committee isn't the congress. The congress is the whole House and the whole Senate.

    These dimwit dumbocrats think their rigged committees are above the President.

  5. House rigged the process by being partial and totally a joke so that tells me "recusal" is only fair and just.

  6. No evidence of a crime there’s your rig


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