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Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Massachusetts EBT cards were used in elite hotels in Hawaii: report

On 18 different occasions in 2019, a Massachusetts EBT card was swiped in Hawaii — including one that was used twice at a posh island resort where rooms fetch $800 a night, a report published Monday said.

The Boston Herald said it reviewed more than 2 million EBT expenditures over the past year and found thousands of out-of-state transactions that included withdrawals in Las Vegas and Alaska.

The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards are issued to needy citizens who qualify and are replenished monthly.

The state's Department of Transitional Assistance bars cardholders from using the cards for vacation services — but hotels are not banned. According to the Herald's report, in one instance an EBT card was used to buy a $700 round-trip ticket from the state to Hawaii.



  1. Need to do away with all ebt cards except for the elderly. This kind of sh-- needs to stop

  2. The card was owned by a person who's last name is Kennedy and was related to Uncle Ted.

  3. Issued by Democrats with NO limits !!!!

  4. Probably a wealthy person who lives thru their charity or non profit and shows little income to qualify for the card and other government benefits this is not as random as you think.

  5. Used by Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton / Farakon !!!

  6. Can you say SCAM! I remember it being said these were to be used to help get a leg up, not become a way of life. Entitlement mentality has ruined many lives regardless ethnicity.

  7. Alot of Lobster charged on them !!!!

  8. Man, where do I go to get one of those cards?

  9. When I'm a poor senior living on SS benefits, can I get one of those cards?


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