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Monday, December 30, 2019

Man Wrongfully Imprisoned For 27 Years Will Sue His Accusers

It was August 10, 1991. Outside Louie’s Texas Red Hots restaurant, a group of men began fighting. A gun was pulled and Torriano Jackson was killed.

An anonymous tip led police to Valentino Dixon, who says police had been targeting him long before the shooting. Dixon was arrested, but just two days later, Lamarr Scott confessed to the shooting and murder of Jackson. Scott’s confession did nothing to help Dixon, who was convicted of the murder and sentenced to 38-and-a-half-years to live in prison, according to a website set up for his defense.

While in prison, Dixon gained national attention for his beautiful artwork depicting golf courses. His story attracted the attention of Golf Digest in 2012, which wrote a story about his conviction and decided to help him win his freedom. In 2018, after 27 years in prison, Dixon was exonerated and released.



  1. If you have never had the misfortune of having a friend or family member in the judicial system, then you probably don't believe that this happens. In fact, it is much more common than you know. Once the system decides that you are guilty, the facts do not matter. As I was told by a current judge and several attorneys, you have to prove your innocence; if you cannot, then you are guilty. I hope that you are never caught up in the legal system.

  2. Sounds as though there is so much crime the cops and courts are so backed up they look for the easy way out. But look at the examples set; Kavanaugh and Trump...guilty until proven innocent.

  3. I wouldn't sue anyone,I've already paid my time for murder so that would be my next goal.

  4. our system of justice is a joke. people who should be charged aren't. those who should be given a second chance aren't! and those who should be locked up forever or executed arent! only color that matters when it comes to the law is green!
    you are either rich and can get away with it or not!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you have never had the misfortune of having a friend or family member in the judicial system, then you probably don't believe that this happens. In fact, it is much more common than you know. Once the system decides that you are guilty, the facts do not matter. As I was told by a current judge and several attorneys, you have to prove your innocence; if you cannot, then you are guilty. I hope that you are never caught up in the legal system.

    December 31, 2019 at 6:18 AM

    I don't think most on here do, and then you have cops that come on here and stir the pot.

    We keep hearing the 'one bad apple' theory but see evidence to the contrary every day. They all work together to get their desired result, regardless of any facts.

    And don't think that they don't lie. That happens every day also and we have current examples at the federal level i.e., F.B.I., D.O.J., etc.

    But of course, most people around here still think the Dragnet tv show was real.

  6. Have a lawyer friend that told me "Most cops are perjurers and I love getting them on the witness stand. They're not to bright". Always get an agressive attorney.

  7. All these crimes being committed in Salisbury, yet no one's ever guilty, except the cops. Gotta wonder how that happens.


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