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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Jim Perdue: My company is addressing poultry waste

This From Food & Water Watch - Maryland.

“ICYMI: Jim Perdue’s defense of his corporation after The Baltimore Sun published their editorial 'Clean up Maryland’s poultry manure problem now'. In it he claims that Perdue is working to protect the Chesapeake Bay. This is, to be polite, a load of chicken litter!

Each year, chicken factory farms in Maryland produce 34 thousand tons of litter. That’s more than half what the residents of Baltimore produce! It’s simply too much volume to be used safely as fertilizer in the area where it’s produced and the soil is oversaturated.

Trucking the waste elsewhere is at best, a temporary solution. Not only are regulations surrounding the practice poorly implemented and enforced, but the contract growers and taxpayers are left to foot the bill. As mentioned in Clean up Maryland’s poultry manure problem now, the Poultry Litter Management Act offered a more just way of handling the problem.

Using the waste to generate biogas is not a real solution, either. This expensive technology requires massive chicken litter inputs, still requires trucking, and requires subsidies to be profitable. Ultimately, this is greenwashing - not “renewable” energy. It does nothing to address public health issues, and can even be used as an excuse for building more factory farms.

We need real solutions to the environmental degradation factory farms are causing on the Eastern Shore. We need a moratorium on all new and expanding factory farms. And it should be large corporations like Perdue that pay for cleaning up the mess from the existing ones.”

Here's the Baltimore Sun article HERE.


  1. Replies
    1. The whole eastern shore economy relies on the poultry industry

    2. Moronic comment. The economic impact of the poultry industry is profound.

  2. All of this ChickenS*** needs to be shipped to Washington, they love spreading it about our President!

    1. Congress already has an overabundance of Chickensh#ts.

  3. Our ground water has become contaminated because of this. There has been an explosion of Cancer cases here on the eastern sure and I am certain that industrial an Agricultural waste is one of the main factors for this.

    The only ones benefiting from this is of course the poultry and medical industries due to the problems on the Eastern Shore.

    1. The geese are causing the problem and the cancer. That's why Jake was elected mayor. Kill the geese!

    2. The western shore is where the pollution is coming from

  4. stop eating chicken

  5. 12:57 you're a moron and it is painfully obvious you don't understand the economic impact of the poultry industry to the Eastern Shore.

  6. The Perdue family are quality people of character. I'm sure Jim, his sons and company leaders are doing all they can to find an answer to this problem.

    The Eastern Shore would be a much different (and not better!) place without Perdue and the generosity of the Perdue family and their Foundations. Look around - see how many organizations, big and small, that have benefited from their generosity.

    Think about all those that have been employed by Perdue or grew chickens for them.

    I have faith that they are and will continue to do all they can to improve the environment.

    1. This couldn’t be more true. Also, i live on Camden ave and pick up litter EVERY DAY!!! Doubt this is from farmers or chickens.

  7. @2:11 so like every thing else just because they gave such an impact we just let them have free reign destroying the region? Frank Perdue and all of his wreckless, greed driven approach to building his business definitely played a major part art in destroying our waterways. Watch Jake day use his position to get the state , city and county government get Purdue processing relocated and m a e way for his inner harbor clone fantasies

  8. 12:57, you're absolutely right. The economic engine of the Eastern Shore is agriculture, but it's a one cylinder engine, and that cylinder is poultry. It is a dangerous economic situation and should be garnering much more attention than it is. Forget the environmental impact. Forget the quality of life issues. This is an economic disaster waiting to happen. Economic diversification needs to be addressed now, not after a potential collapse.

  9. Frank Perdue was a drunken as*h*** plain and simple! As far as Jim Perdue can't really comment but his two boys are out of the same spoiled entitlement mold Jake Day came from

  10. Purdue would probably be better off if they moved their entire operation out of Maryland, but they are Eastern Shore natives who prefer to stay here. Over the years, they have implemented improvements to their operations that have been more environmentally friendly.
    If they were to leave this area, it would be like Campbell’s leaving again and another economic shock to this area.

    1. Why would Perdue even consider leaving the delmarva peninsula? They have a viable work force at the lowest wages in the country

  11. 2:59 sorry have to disagreed. All chicken plants and growers on a small peninsula as well as low wage jobs have been more destructive than a benefit.

  12. Maybe a former Governor of Maryland was not far wrong when he referred to the Eastern Shore as a S--t H---e!

  13. I'd say....

    .send it to California and dump the chicken poopy in the street where poopy is legal

  14. 2:59 you're spot on. The Perdue's are good people and have given much to the Delmarva Peninsula. Very generous and giving...Let's face it; the Poultry Industry all across America had issues from the beginning; but Perdue Farms have been innovative and on the cutting edge for improving the quality of their food offerings and constantly working to improve the growing and processing operation to make a safer environment for all. Addressing the whiners, jealous, ignorant haters posting here, you need to get your facts straight and realize how far they really have come over the past 100 years and are still improving daily...I'm very thankful we have a great company headquartered, working and living on the Delmarva Peninsula...we are blessed.

  15. headed 13 bypass north you can see a HUGE white tarp covering a football field size mount of litter from the CAFO (Concentrated animal feeding operation) hidden behind the trees.

    1. It's corn moron just goes to show how much you do not know.

  16. December 5, 2019 at 2:11 PM - you're a moron to not realize the damage it is doing, so I ask you = at what cost.

    What is it worth to the community when you become a cancer cluster, and your water is undrinkable

  17. Nothing but a shake down for some party and bonus cash.

  18. 6:49. The tarped pile is corn not manure.

  19. Chicken companies have now found a way to store chicken waste in large tanks like the new one being constructed near Hebron and then they inject it into the ground to get rid of it. You should see the map of all the areas that they have done this. Line Road west of Delmar has many acres of this waste injected into the ground and then homes were built right on top of it. This waste should be labeled "Hazardous Waste" and treated like such at the expense of the chicken companies.

  20. The entire poultry industry on the Eastern Shore has been vested in keeping the Bays and waterways clean for years! Started 30;years ago with phosphorus reduction methods, then it rolled into land management practices to reduce runoff! EPA has tightened air emissions restrictions. They have even restricted how often and when poultry houses can be cleaned out! Perdue stated pelleting chicken manure to sell bagged to plant businesses! Poultry Company’s are doing their fair share! Go north sample that water released from the filthy dam up in Northern Delaware with water coming out of New Jersey!! Eat more chicken! Thanks Perdue, Tyson and Mountaire for being good stewards!

  21. just use a cannon and shot it into the air like they do in NC with all the hog sh!t. I've always wondered why the government lets a private family/company get rich while destroying the area and the bay for future generations, that won't be able to enjoy it!
    Greed plain and simple!

  22. Northwest Woodsman: Frank Purdue story! In 1975, While I was on a break in my military active duty, I was employed as a charter pilot flying out of Salisbury. I had a flight taking Frank Purdue from Salisbury to some location in Massachusetts and return. All went well on the flight up there and Purdue and his associates left me at the airport and did not say when they would return. I sat around all day and late into the evening having lunch and dinner from a snack vending machine. They returned around 9:00 pm and boarded the aircraft. As luck would have it, I could not get my #2 engine started. Purdue became very angry and called a local charter service who found a pilot to take the group back to Salisbury. The pilot preflighted the new charter and after everyone was on board taxied past me headed for the active runway. As they approached my aircraft, on one last attempt, my engine started and I rolled out directly behind them, and ended up following them back to Salisbury. I’ll never forget the treatment and attitude that Purdue demonstrated that evening

    1. did you consider that Mr. Perdue had had a very long day and needed to get his valuable employees home to their families? Not everything is about you woody.

  23. 11:09 looks like you survived, you must not have known Frank or the Perdue’s or you would know the correct spelling of his name....his attitude was “it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken!” You know what....he’s was right!

  24. Liquid commercial fertilizers and chemicals cause more long term effects to the environment than anyone understands. Perdue goes above and beyond what is asked of them by any state or federal government regulation. Learn some 6th grade science and you will know what is going on some people just like to bitch for any reason.

    1. True , I remember back in the mid 80s when city acquired the Tilhman fertilizer company “which is half of the city Marina now” they started excavation and unearthed containers of buried toxic chemicals I personally saw it and it was quietly removed under the cover of darkness and never spoken of

  25. didn't ol frankie boy get on the highway drunk going the wrong way and kill someone many years ago? yup everybody loves the perdues! NOT!
    got off fairy easy on that one!

  26. They need to work on how they treat their employees!
    Unless you are in upper management, they exploit you till you quit!
    The techies are underpaid since they laid most of them off and went to a distributed contract model...the ones that got laid off left the shore - then ones that got contract hired are not getting the job done - and the contract company is the only one making any money!
    The chicken processors work their butts off for an hourly wage - based on throughput...take a break to get off your feet and miss your quota...

  27. Mass Production is always bad. always.

    Raising your own free range chickens is the best source for protein but one must have some property so they can move about. Keeping them caged will result in illness, just like with humans in prisons.

    1. 9:44 Build your own car and produce your own electricity. Then you are eligible to make that comment if you still feel that way

  28. As a poultry grower and grain farmer on the Eastern Shore its really disheartening to read some of these comments. Yes I agree excess poultry manure is an issue that needs to be addressed. I can not speak for other farmers or for the intergrators(Perdue, Mountaire, ect) but farmers in general take pride in the land and animals we grow. Our livelihood depends on it with out it we are not farmers. Why would we purposely destroy our industry?

  29. He should pack up the entire operation and relocate to a business friendly state

  30. 11:51spot on but it would hurt the families working for them because this area has NOTHING to offer any working person.

  31. I wish people would get educated before they think they are professionals or environmental stewards. Farmers and chicken processing facilities are required by law to utilize best management practices approved by the state. Hence you have dates when manure can be set out in open fields. All the practices that the farmers have to do because of regulations placed by the state requires farming activities to minimize all impacts(nutrient management plans) Just as the processing facilities have to treat the waste water prior to leaving the facility. I hope people realize that at the state level regulations for the chicken processing industry or farming activities only creates more need for these companies to move. I am no expert in business modeling but at some point the regulations have a cost and Maryland isn’t growing like Delaware (at least not on the eastern shore).

  32. I wish people would get educated before they think they are professionals or environmental stewards. Farmers and chicken processing facilities are required by law to utilize best management practices approved by the state. Hence you have dates when manure can be set out in open fields. All the practices that the farmers have to do because of regulations placed by the state requires farming activities to minimize all impacts(nutrient management plans) Just as the processing facilities have to treat the waste water prior to leaving the facility. I hope people realize that at the state level regulations for the chicken processing industry or farming activities only creates more need for these companies to move. I am no expert in business modeling but at some point the regulations have a cost and Maryland isn’t growing like Delaware (at least not on the eastern shore).

  33. by business friendly you mean one that doesn't care if he destroys the environment for future generations just so he can make another couple mil?
    total bs!

  34. just ship it to Adam Schaffer and Nancy Pelosi....they can help spread it around the country.

  35. What about the chicken sludge that they are injecting in the fields?? That's waste from the processing plants that used to go in the land fills. Something needs to be done about this also!!!


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