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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Intentional Balloon Releases Banned In Wicomico County

SALISBURY – Officials in Wicomico voted unanimously this week to pass legislation banning the intentional release of helium balloons.

On Tuesday, the Wicomico County Council voted 7-0 to pass legislation prohibiting the intentional release of non-biodegradable or non-photodegradable balloons into the atmosphere and making any intentional release subject to a civil infraction.

Since County Executive Bob Culver submitted the proposed legislation in September, the council has met with representatives spearheading efforts to implement balloon release bans in counties across the state. And in November, the county council introduced a bill amending the county code to include its own ban.

In a public hearing this week, Kerrie Bunting, a concerned citizen and executive director of the Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce, thanked the county executive and the county council for considering local legislation. She noted the bill compliments efforts to introduce similar legislation in the upcoming General Assembly session in Annapolis.



  1. But wasting paint on gay crosswalks is OK ?

  2. Screw you! I'm going to the Dollar Store and buy a couple dozen and just let them go! This is a violation of the 1st. Amendment, this is my expression and voice.

    1. Last time I was at a local dollar store they had a sign that said they didn't have any helium. My guess is with helium shortage it's too expensive for a dollar store to sell a balloon filled with it.

  3. I just released 100 balloons in defiance

  4. so if a little kid ties a "if you get this" card to a balloon and lets it go, he or she is a criminal? Really? This is what merits attention?

  5. BALLOON LIVES MATTER to the looneys in Wico county but the kids cant get an education

  6. Couple dozen? How bout a couple hundred. F em'

  7. I'm SURE this will make wicomico a safer place... like the biggest problem is freaking ballons in that county.

  8. They spend time on laws like this but let illegals run around free! Illegals going to our schools eating free lunches, and getting welfare!

  9. I drive 100 miles a day, 5 days a week, through farmlands and forests, much of it through Wicomico County, and I can't remember the last time I saw a balloon on the ground, or in the trees, or if I ever have. Was this proposal just a feel good thing? It certainly does not address any environmental issue. What a waste of time on a non-issue. Yeah, fine those kids when they let them goo and laugh with unabandoned glee as they watch them fly up into the air.

    You know, if it was actually a problem, I would be all for it. But to come up with stuff to legislate, when there is no problem, is just stupid. Some use of that legislative power, huh?

  10. Its Probably one of the few things I agree with. I've seen birds entangled in to many ribbons and plastic ties.. And dogs eating the balloons that fall.
    Glad they did this.
    They can't agree on an attorney for the county. At least they did something.

  11. Maybe they should concentrate on all the trash people throw out of their car windows. All the County roads look like the landfill.

  12. WOW that is the major issue to save our planet! What a joke....

  13. Who is responsible to enforce this new law ?

  14. Helium really shouldn't be wasted anymore on toy balloons and parade floats. It's a finite resource that studies show we will be running seriously short on by 2035 or '40.


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