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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hunter and his new wife omitted from Biden family Christmas greeting

Christmas greetings from the Biden family were conspicuously missing two members who are the subject of considerable scandal and chatter: Hunter Biden and his wife, Melissa.

Joe Biden posted a photo on Twitter late Christmas morning that included most members of the Biden clan along with a video featuring two of the family dogs. The Bidens added the message: "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. With love, from my family to yours."
May your time with loved ones be full of peace, laughter, and joy. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. With love, from my family to yours. pic.twitter.com/L7mwR4nBKd— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) December 25, 2019


  1. Wow. Talk about admitting there's a problem...

  2. Big deal. I have three children but always omit one of them from my Christmas greetings and everything else, especially my will, because he is an a**hat. I'm sure there are plenty of families with the same problem.

  3. Is Melissa Beau's widow that Hunter has married, or Hunter's ex-wife or another one he's strung along. Hunter sure isn't his brother Beau more like the Dad Joe. A family that used to be respected on the Eastern Shore here is no longer nothing but a bad joke.

  4. Awww, old creepy Joe didn't have the new grand baby over?


  5. Slow Joe forgot his only living son? And newest daughter-in-law who is now pregnant? At Christmas?

    Despite his push-up challenge to a voter in Iowa, Slow Joe must be losing a mile of steps.

    Surprising that Dr. Jill Biden would forget the step-son she's nurtured the past 45 years!

  6. The reason he was not in the photo is at the time of the photo shoot Hunter was off screwing another man's wife since her husband laid dying in the hospital.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Big deal. I have three children but always omit one of them from my Christmas greetings and everything else, especially my will, because he is an a**hat. I'm sure there are plenty of families with the same problem.

    December 26, 2019 at 2:56 PM

    Sometimes, (often at family functions), we would have to neglect to invite one family member or another just so there would be peace at the function. There would always be a scene/fight and it got to the point that it just wasn't worth it.

    If they couldn't respect us or our home we just wouldn't have them over. It has gotten better in recent years, thank God, but before that, NAH.

    Life's too short, ya know?


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