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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Hallmark pulls commercial of brides kissing after calls for boycott

The Hallmark Channel has pulled a commercial featuring brides kissing during a same-sex wedding ceremony, just days after a conservative group launched a campaign calling on the network to pull the ad.

The commercial from the wedding planning website, Zola, features a lesbian couple celebrating their nuptials. The ad first debuted on Hallmark on Dec. 2.

Earlier this week, One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Association that claims its mission is to “stop the exploitation of our children, especially by the entertainment media,” launched a petition urging Hallmark to stop airing the commercial and other LGBTQ content.

“The Hallmark Channel has always been known for its family friendly movies. Even its commercials are usually safe for family viewing. But unfortunately, that is not the case anymore,” One Million Moms said on its website.



  1. About time the right used same tactics as the left...

  2. Hallmark is still one of the most watched channels and it’s because the company has a solid ethical backbone. They don’t tolerate actors who break the law. They put out wholesome films. And they’re not going to be ones to fold to society pressure. People watch Hallmark to escape the ills of the day not compound them.


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