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Sunday, December 01, 2019

Hallmark Channel Blasted For Lack Of Inclusion, Diversity

The Hallmark Channel has now been scrutinized for having a lack of religious and racial diversity during its “Countdown to Christmas” programming.

According to The Hollywood Reporter (THR), the Hallmark Channel featured just four movies this year with black leads and virtually no other religious representation outside of Judaism and Christianity.

“Of the network’s record 24 original holiday movies this season, four of them have black leads,” reported THR. “And that’s down from last year, when five of its 21 original holiday movies had black leads.”


[ Selenity • 5 hours ago-- I'm watching a Korean drama right now. Guess I forgot to blast it for its "lack of diversity." Ignore them Hallmark, or even better, tell them to shut up.]


  1. Don't watch any movies and shut commiehood down.

  2. Anything involving white peoples is immediately attacked by the Fascist media mob

  3. It's The Countdown To Christmas, not Ramadan, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other religious holiday. Celebrate those on some other program.

  4. I wondered how long it would take for them to attack Hallmark. These are wonderful feel good movies. And, yes, they haven't done a good job including Blacks, Hispanics or Asians. But these are Christmas movies. They should other races, but not other religions. They have no obligation for that. Let the critics start their own channels. They know who their core audience is and it is not liberal snowflakes.

  5. Every Christmas movie on Hallmark has the same old plot. Someone with a busy life in the city goes back to their rural home for the holidays and falls in love with their old heartthrob. Or there is also the one where people are traveling home in the snow and get stuck and have to stay together and fall in love.

  6. black folk don't watch hallmark. gotta program to your audience.

  7. So? The greatest thing about free-market capitalism is that if you see a need, you can fill it. Make your own network and air all the Muslim/Jewish stuff you can fit.


  8. Yep, waiting for them to have Bruce Jenner wander back to his hometown on some flimsy pretext and reconnect.

  9. BET... nuff said? Fubu. Complain about that racist crapola.

  10. Change the channel if it bothers you. Or put you money where your big mouths are and make your own movies that nobody will watch.


  11. "..And, yes, they haven't done a good job including Blacks, Hispanics or Asians..."

    And.. why should they? Just for the sake of having some on? What is so 'magic' about matching racial demographics that would cause America to be so much better? How does that work?

    The PROBLEM: The left whines and fusses about how they think everything should be, then people start re-arranging life to accommodate them.

    WHY??? Because they call you names if you don't??

    Do you know what this is? Tribalism. Identity politics. Isolate groups, then pit them against one another.

    If somebody makes a movie in a way that people will come see it and enjoy it, and they make some money from that so that they can make another good movie.. Bingo. We have our winner.

    Or we can make a politically-correct, diverse movie with carefully scripted roles that flops (as so many have), then blame society for being so bigoted and racist.

    Just ignore the diversity critics and their virtue signals and enjoy the movie. :-)

    Nobody asked for their opinion anyway.

  12. If they don't like it then don't watch it!

  13. They may be all white people in them. But it's a fantasy that I as a White person, can't identify with.
    These movies are catered to white rich people. And as stated above in another comment, they all have the same basic plot.
    I'll take Scrooge, or Home Alone.

  14. Next they're going to go after white chocolate.

    1. BITE YOUR TONGUE - not my white chocolate😂

  15. I wanna see em change snow

  16. The SJW did not go after BET for their exclusionary programming nor did they go after Telemundo for their exclusionary programming. And when Hallmark gives in, they will see their ratings drop off. The core customer will not watch programming not aimed at them. I will turn off their channel. And when that becomes a habit, I am gone forever. Just like I did with the NFL: gone forever.

  17. It's Hallmark ! It has always been saccharine silly nostalgia. What will they go after next QVC and complain fat GAY Dave does not peddle enough Ethnic food. It's TV people it's escapist entertainment it does not have to represent any inclusive Reality. It's like whining about " Fake News " advertiser based media has nothing to do with anything real. You let it into your home and psyche's . Don't like it go to the Library.

  18. Most of the movies and actors on Hallmark are from Canada. Only 3% of the population are black in Canada. They tried this same stunt last year. The movies that they were forced to make just were not popular. People want to see the actors/actresses they know and those are their popular movies.

  19. what are they complaining about...Where is Oprah and her network? Let her get some movies made to cater to them. She has the means. Where are you Oprah, stop moaning and get busy.

  20. There’s an attack on white peoples across the nation but it’s not coming from other races it’s coming from deranged white liberals using race as a tool to weaken America and usher in Communism at which point we’ll all be slaves

  21. Nobody ever gets shot or car jacked I’m cool with Hallmark White people

  22. 12:43
    Not it isn’t, it is coming from the one group nobody is allowed to criticize (mention by name).

  23. If you want to see diversity then go to the "Lifetime Channel". It has plenty of shows with black lead actors. It also has plenty of gay actors so that your children can watch them and learn about their life style.

  24. 9:43
    No thanks. I watch Hallmark to get away from all the other smut on tv.

  25. Maybe it’s time for a White channel

  26. They don't because nobody would watch. Nobody wants to watch shows like that unless you're a creep.

  27. The only ones that complain about this are the gay, liberal, and perverted White's. The one's with all the letters behind their names but have no class or morals. This gays ruin EVERYTHING. They wanted to be part of the Catholic Church. Then we had kids melosted. Wanted to be part of the boy scouts. Then we have kids melosted. DO YOU SEE A PATTERN HERE??

  28. Leave my Hallmark alone !!! Enough Diversity !!!

    Time to do away with Affirmative Action Laws & have Real
    Equality !!! Enough Wining !!!

  29. Whites have a channel they like , so leave it alone !!!

    let's have a White-ish show / WET / NAAWP / White History
    month / White Culture recognition & respect in America !!

  30. GIVE ME A BREAK!!! What about BET channel?

  31. You only have to remember 1 thing: liberal democrats are all POS.

  32. Time for WHITE History month !!!


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