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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Governor Hogan Announces New Initiatives and Legislation to Address Violent Crime

More Prosecutors for Attorney General, New Juvenile Crime Strategy, $21 Million For Baltimore City and State’s Attorney, Tougher Legislation to Increase Sentences for Violent Gun Offenders
ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today, at a press conference at his office in Baltimore City, announced a series of new initiatives and expanded legislation to get violent offenders off the streets and address the violent crime crisis facing Baltimore City:
  • Funding for 25 new prosecutors and support staff for the Attorney General to prosecute violent crimes.
  • $21 million in additional funding for Baltimore City and the State’s Attorney’s Office.
  • A new comprehensive juvenile crime strategy to curb youth violence in Baltimore City.
  • New and expanded legislation to increase tougher sentences for violent offenders who commit crimes with guns.
  • New legislation to strengthen penalties for those who intimidate witnesses and legislation to make restitution mandatory.
  • Legislation to publish sentencing records of judges in violent crime cases to hold judges more accountable for their sentencing decisions.
“Keeping Marylanders safe is my responsibility, and I’m going to keep providing the City with all the state and federal assistance and backup we possibly can in order to attack this violent crime crisis from all directions with everything we’ve got,” said Governor Hogan. “But I’m also going to keep holding City leaders accountable and ensure that we are working together and using every tool and resource at our disposal to track down, arrest, convict, and bring these violent criminals to justice. The time has come for Baltimore City to finally take back its streets and communities once and for all.”
New Initiatives and Additional Funding
More Prosecutors for the Attorney General to Prosecute Violent Crimes. In September, Governor Hogan directed the Attorney General’s Office to investigate and prosecute violent crimes, crimes related to firearms, and organized crime in Baltimore City. Governor Hogan announced today that the forthcoming Fiscal Year 2021 budget will fund 25 new positions in the Attorney General’s Office for additional prosecutors and support staff.
Additional Funding for Baltimore City’s Crime-Fighting Efforts. Governor Hogan is committing additional funding for Baltimore City’s crime-fighting efforts, including $9.2 million to increase community policing efforts; $4.6 million for the Baltimore Police Department’s records management system, lab information management system, and license plate reader technology; $2.4 million for the new location of the Baltimore Police Academy; and $1.9 million for the State’s Attorney’s Office for gun violence prosecution. 
New Comprehensive Juvenile Crime Strategy. Governor Hogan announced that the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services and Baltimore City leaders have formed a strategic partnership to curb youth violence in Baltimore City. The Department of Juvenile Services will align case management resources with Baltimore City police districts to create a better service delivery model. The collaboration will also develop a stronger youth accountability process to appropriately intervene and provide services and supervision.
Expanded Crime Legislation
Governor Hogan announced major crime legislation that he will introduce in the 2020 legislative session:
  • Governor Hogan will introduce the Violent Firearm Offenders Act to significantly increase tougher sentences for violent offenders who commit crimes with guns. This new and expanded legislation will increase penalties for: (1) those who repeatedly illegally carry firearms and for convicted gang members who illegally possess guns; (2) those who illegally transfer guns to people they know intend to use them in a crime; and (3) those who steal firearms, possess stolen firearms, or engage in straw purchasing.
  • Governor Hogan will re-introduce the Judicial Transparency Act, requiring the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy to publish sentencing records of judges in violent crime cases to hold the system more accountable to the public for sentencing decisions. 
  • Governor Hogan will introduce the Witness Intimidation Prevention Act to toughen penalties for witness intimidation resulting in serious physical injury or death, and expand the courts’ ability to admit statements made by intimidated witnesses under certain circumstances to all crimes. The governor will also introduce a measure to proritize victims and make restitution payments mandatory.
  • Additionally, Governor Hogan will introduce legislation to make victim restitution payments mandatory.
Historic Support for Baltimore City
The Hogan administration continues to provide historic levels of support for Baltimore City:
  • Since taking office, Governor Hogan has committed $6.32 billion for local aid to Baltimore City, including more than $1 billion for public safety and crime control efforts.
  • State warrant teams have identified and are actively working open warrants for 493 of the most violent offenders in the City. 
  • The state has placed more than 400 Parole and Probation agents into the Baltimore region, and put them in every police precinct in Baltimore City. 
  • Governor Hogan directed the Maryland State Police Aviation Command to send 10 helicopter crews to conduct law enforcement tactical missions over Baltimore City on an ongoing daily basis, providing additional support to police officers on the ground.
  • Governor Hogan launched a joint operation to send federal, state, and local law enforcement officers into the City to conduct a coordinated and aggressive surge resulting in over 3,300 arrests, including 259 of Baltimore City’s most violent offenders. 
  • Governor Hogan directed the Maryland State Police, Maryland Transportation Authority Police, Maryland Transit Administration Police, Maryland Natural Resources Police, and Maryland Capitol Police to establish a more visible police presence in high crime areas of the City. As a result, state police agencies have executed over 500,000 premise checks, served an additional 3,400 warrants, and recovered 158 handguns.


  1. Throw tax payers money at it that will solve the problem.

  2. Looking at this makes me lose my appetite. Government at its' best, spending hard earned tax dollars. You already have the laws on the books. Arrest the thugs, put them in jail. End of story. Thees other methods, although well-intended fall short of arrest, prosecute and jail law-breakers. It will take years to implement, cost far more than budgeted, with no assurance it will work. But rest assured, once implemented, the public will be stuck with the bill forever after. Has anyone ever seen government scaled back? Be careful of what you fund. It will only get bigger. Think about it. Existing programs were started and we still have the same problem that originated. Crime = Time. Just do it!

  3. Check back when the money is gone for how well it was spent.

  4. I thought the plan was just old man winter. All the criminals will stay inside during the cold.

  5. All at the Taxpayers expense!!

  6. "Additional Funding for Baltimore City’s Crime-Fighting Efforts."

    I've got an idea you stupid Bonehead RINO!! Why don't you tax Baltimore City and Baltimore County more for your Freaking Crime Fighting efforts and give Wicomico and Worcester County a frigging tax break? I am sick and tired of you, RINO Larry, spending my damn hard-earned money on Baltimore City!!!


  7. As long as the cops make arrests for Failure to Appear and the practice is to release them on Personal Recognizance there is no answer.

    Public safety that works requires that the bad guys are off the street until conclusion of their trial, or out on bond cuz the bondsman has a strong interest in getting their money back.

  8. 7.32 BILLION, plus now another 21 million, and the many millions of federal money cummings and gang LOST....looks like ukrane, exact same scam.....billions sent in aid....zero accounted for....zero investigations where it went. Making billions disappear year after year with no trail is violent crime against the citizens. This is how the politicians get filthy rich, a crime racket they keep laundering money threw. Now ou know why they never fix the crime problems....they just get worse.

  9. Just what we need, more lawyers ( people who need a job in his circle) and support staff to go on coffee, and lunch runs.

  10. Send the illegals back to where they came from. BINGO, half the crime is gone!!!

  11. Without oversight the money will be wasted guaranteed.


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