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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

'End this': Republicans poised to call no witnesses during Trump impeachment trial in Senate

Senate Republicans do not expect to call witnesses President Trump might want to hear from most in an impeachment trial, conceding there are not the votes to summon key figures such as Hunter Biden and the unidentified government whistleblower whose complaint sparked the process.

Senate impeachment rules require a majority vote to call witnesses, and with just two out of 53 votes to spare, there is no “appetite” among Republicans to pursue testimony from people that Democrats blocked Republicans from subpoenaing during the House investigation. Indeed, Republicans might forgo calling witnesses altogether, saying minds are made up on Trump’s guilt or innocence and that testimony at trial on the Senate floor would draw out the proceedings unnecessarily.

“Here’s what I want to avoid: this thing going on longer than it needs to,” Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told the Washington Examiner. “I want to end this.”



  1. Graham dosent want the citizens to see just how many congressional criminals we have. Pelosies son...doing the same thing Hunter Biden is doing.....Romney's son....same exact thing...ALL in Ukrane stealing US aid money. How many more crime families are robbing us? How much did Graham and McCain enrich themselves with? EXPOSE THEM ALL!!!

  2. I think they should draw it out and make the Democratic Senators that are candidates for President sit in the Senate chambers during the trial - or deny them the verdict vote. Those that are absent will not be allowed to participate - those that are present can't campaign....The longer it lasts the better it is for the Republicans...

  3. I think Lindsey Graham is correct on this. As a trial assembly, the Senate should vote to dismiss the case on the charges being without merit, and purely political. No crimes committed. Case closed. Then see what America thinks in 2020.

  4. A sham trial. SO much for law and order. Hell ,...they have already announce their findings with out due process. Nice

  5. You are spot on 1218
    End this now
    I hope the Rep. Senate has the stamina to stand up and push back

  6. I read an article today that said, "Democrats will be ready to impeach AGAIN in 2020 if President Trump wins the election.
    So all the Democrats are going to do for the next 6 years will be CONTINUE to try to get Trump out of office. What about this smacks of "taxation without representation? They do NOTHING and have done NOTHING except come after Trump since the day he won the election. Heck, they started before he even won by wiretapping his campaign associates.
    If people re-elect any of these Democrats it will be a crying shame. That they all hate President Trump and that is all that they will WORK on.


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