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Sunday, December 08, 2019

Do You Remember?


  1. LOL now it's liberals that voted for $15 OUT OF A JOB..... But maybe that's what they wanted ? To sit in mommy's basement until 27 🌈)

  2. People smoked almost everywhere, from movie theaters to sporting events, doctors' offices to grocery stores.

  3. Use to have on of their glass ones:



  4. Yep dont get me started...so now they ban outdoor smoking too .you know its a second hand smoke issue. Libtards know whats best for us all. And thats why i dont give my money to OC,shorebirds or many bars or returants anymore.

  5. December 4, 2019 at 3:00 PM:

    Okay, you win. Cancer, COPD, emphysema, & high blood pressure, that is. I'm no "libtard," but I'm not going to kill myself with nasty-ass cigarettes that offend almost everybody. All the non-smokers (the vast majority of people) are fine with you staying home and stinking up your house, and your clothes, and killing your health, to the tune of thousands of dollars a year, until you die of smoking related health issues. Apparently even the libtards, are smarter than you. You're an addict, pure and simple. Only the nicotine is telling your brain that you've got to have it, and that you "enjoy" it. Find some help to get off the habit. You'll be glad you did (once you get over the addiction). Breathing is a lot easier when the air you breathe is not full of smoke and chemicals. How do I know? Been there, done that. Hell, you can make a new car payment with the money you'll save. Beats the hell out of lung cancer.

  6. December 4, 2019 at 3:00 PM:

    At least that way, you're not hurting anyone but yourself. Stay home and smoke all you want (or can afford).

  7. never meet an older smoker that has said smoking was a good decision they made. 100% wish they would have never started.

  8. Yep as you can see the libtarded and yes ANYONE who supports bans is a nanny state libtard. Its a legal product.

  9. I remember those days where everybody smoked everywhere and that’s just how it was. I smoked for years but stopped cold turkey six years ago. I work with people who smoke and the smell on them is quite nasty and offensive. I am just glad that I don’t smoke and smell that way anymore. I would love to have one with coffee in the morning and after lunch or dinner but it’s not worth it. It is comical to think that people used to eat Big Macs and fries while smoking inside of a fast food joint. I remember when I was younger and we would eat in a regular restaurant and the food was taking so long to come out but as soon as you lit up a smoke at the table, there’s the waiter or waitress bringing it out to you. It never failed.

  10. I'm so old I remember respecting my elders.
    I'm so old I remember saying yes sir to policemen.
    I'm so old I remember when we had prayer in school and the pledge.
    I'm so old when a child was born the sex was only Male or Female.
    I'm so old if you didn't like something you dealt with it or moved on, you didn't cry and whine about it to everyone.
    I'm so old when it was hot in August it was just hot and not the end of the world.
    I'm so old if some brat started shooting off her mouth to any adult she would have been paddled and told to sit down and shut up. (Greta Thronburg)

  11. Good pans for cutting lines.

  12. i'm with 1121. i was old school when i was young and even more old school now that i'm old.

  13. @ December 4, 2019 at 5:35 PM

    It's a legal product, yes. I am also a former smoker.

    I know that cars are a legal product.. and if you hit someone with yours or damage their property with it, you are responsible for paying them damages.

    We know that second hand smoke causes health problems. You ready to pony up for other people's medical expenses? It's not a nanny state to keep the public healthy. The "nanny" state has not said you can't smoke.. it has made it so you can't hurt others with it.

    I'm shocked at the vitriol and just general tone here. It's a nostalgic picture of an ashtray and ya'll turn this into some partisan complain about everyone I don't like or disagree with fest.

    I used them as ashtrays in the store... and took them home to break up weed in... then used it as an ashtray again! Good times.

  14. Yep as you can see the libtarded and yes ANYONE who supports bans is a nanny state libtard. Its a legal product.

    December 4, 2019 at 5:35 PM:

    Childish, I see. No one misses you, not conservatives or liberals, at the bars and restaurants...nobody. Many legal products are bad for you, and for the others around you. Being a "legal" product that harms you just makes you a pig-headed (and addicted) person for wasting your money and health for purchasing it. You won't find any friends here, because most people either don't smoke, or wised up and don't smoke anymore. And that's a fact, Jack. I love it when I see employees and even people standing outside of the own residences in the rain just to get their fix. Even the dimmest people can see the light and decide to quit. Go ahead, kill yourself. Like you said, it's a legal product. You are free to do yourself harm. That's the conservative stance. Freedom to harm yourself. We just don't allow you to harm the others around you with your nasty habit. But the government will tax you, literally "to death" and the cigarette company investors will make money off of you until you die. Your right to smoke, is still your right. Just not around me.

  15. I smoked as a teenager. I Have asthma..My DR advised I would be dead before the age of 30 if i didn't quit. I did. Cigarettes killed my older brother at age 57 and his son at age 36 and many friends to boot.Whether you want to hear it or not if you are a smoker "YOU STINK'.I understand smokers are now less than 25% of the USA population-THANK GOD!!!!BTW-USED CARS FROM FORMER NON SMOKERS LIST FOR MORE $$$$$ THAN FORMER SMOKER CARS IN MANY AREAS.A PRETTY LADY WHO SMOKES ISN'T NEARLY AS PRETTY AFTER YOU SMELL THE STINK AND HER ODOR CAN RUIN YOUR MATTRESS.

  16. 2nd hand smoke is a hoax just like climate change.

  17. 2nd hand smoke is a hoax just like climate change.

    December 9, 2019 at 5:33 AM:

    And your useless comment changes nobody's mind. Smoke away (cough, cough) inhale deeply (cough, cough), look at that Xray (cough, cough). But that hoax keeps you from smoking around me and all the other non-smokers. Pretty good and healthy hoax, if you ask me.


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