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Saturday, December 07, 2019

Diversity is Our Strength


  1. more like our misery

  2. Once again Paul Watson nails it.

  3. Well done. Open your eyes sheep. Our way of life is under constant attack. I've unfortunately done business with some of this ethnic group and still have a bad taste in my mouth. They lie, cheat and steal all in the name of their religion while laughing behind your back.

  4. Diversity was a plan to destroy Western civilization if you can create poor third world countries people are easier to control, use and manipulate

  5. Diversity means to Divide !!! Get over it

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Diversity by definition indicates that it is not a strength. Cohesion as a homogeneous group with the same culture, language and borders is where strength comes from. Not individual groups all having their own agenda which causes division and stress in a community. The less diversity, the more strength. Just the opposite from government policy and indoctrination.

  7. But Nancy Pelosi says "unity" is the democrats strength (like the unions), and not diversity. Yep she said it, along with a lot of other garbage. You'll never see diversity in the Democrat's votes in Congress. And yet any unity by white Americans is labeled "White Nationalism" by Democrats. What freaking political hypocrites! Democrats are stupid followers of their hypocritical leaders, and that includes many of my eastern shore neighbors. Its come to the point I don't like any of them anymore, They are tearing the country apart with their leader's attacks on our constitution and democracy. Didn't use to hate them, and I used to respect their political views, but I just can't stomach what is going on in Congress right now. Democrats support it, and it is dangerous. Good ahead, put it to the vote already Nancy. Then let the Senate begin the investigation where all the bogus "facts" came from, and what Joe and Hunter were doing in the Ukraine. What's going on is going to turn out very badly for the Dems. And Nancy will be the only Speaker of the House to lose the House TWICE to the Republicans.


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