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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Democrats Vow To Continue Impeachment Investigations Regardless Of Senate Outcome

Attorneys representing House Democrats have told a federal court that House Democrats intend to continue impeachment investigations against President Donald Trump after they vote on impeachment this week, regardless of the eventual outcome of the Senate’s impeachment trial.

“In a filing to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, House General Counsel Douglas Letter argued that the House’s demands for grand jury materials connected to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation were still urgent because such evidence might become relevant to the Senate’s expected impeachment trial next month,” Politico reported. “But Letter went further to note that even apart from the Senate trial, the House Judiciary Committee intends to continue its impeachment investigation arising from the Mueller probe on its own merit.”



  1. If someone decided to not do their job for a full year and instead waste the businesses money, resources, time etc. They would be fired. Maybe it is about time to revise the Constitution to reign in these crazy, unfounded, insane, convoluted shenanigans.

  2. And hopefully each of them will be voted out for not doing what they were hired to do.

  3. Get the rats out of the HOUSE. Vote Republican.


  4. This is a good thing. Like the Obama foolishness, letting it play out in front of the voters is the best and most convincing demonstration of how stupid they think we are.

    Have you noticed how Schumer is laying low recently? Coming out from under his rock just long enough to make some stupid accusation that sounds like he's talking to some zoned-out nursing home crowd.

    Everyone but the most strident of the 'progressives' is absolutely sick of this crap and will voice that come November.

  5. They'll be "impeaching" for the next 5 years.

  6. American Voters VOW to get RID of Every Damn One of those Damn Demon-crats 2020 !!! ALL Traitors / Criminals

    We will show them > WHO the Hell is in charge & it is NOT
    them > It IS US !!! Govt BY the people NOT people by
    the Govt !!!

  7. Reading the script given them

  8. Taking BACK America & MAGA Real Voters win for Trump
    2020 !!!
    Cleaning up > the SWAMP !!! (full of Demon-crats )

  9. Now we all know How it was to live in Nazi Germany !!!


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