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Friday, December 20, 2019

Democrats' partisan impeachment violates the US Constitution

This week, House Democrats sank to a new low in their taxpayer-funded witch hunt to impeach our duly elected president.

To quote constitutional expert and law professor Jonathan Turley, “a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger” is behind the Democrats’ impeachment vote.

None of the witnesses or evidence confirmed Democrats’ allegations of quid pro quo, bribery, or extortion. Blinded by their hatred of President Trump, a majority of House Democrats ignored the facts and the role of the judicial branch in Article III of the U.S. Constitution. Based on broad, vague, and baseless articles of impeachment, which as written have no basis in statute or the Constitution, nearly every Democrat voted to impeach a duly elected president.



  1. When they make a documentary about the corruption of this administration the American people can look back and see who betrayed our country and who tried to remove the tumor from a corrupt system.

  2. Keep your powder dry BoysDecember 20, 2019 at 8:26 AM

    The Clinton Mafia have billions of dollars....she was a shoe in to continue the Clintons legacy.

    We The People came out to vote and our President Trump was elected.

    We would not have learned how much of our tax dollars have been stolen, laundered, and used for personal use if it were not for President Trump.

    Keep praying for President Trump safety and his re election in 2020 .

    Progressives are dangerous and filthy rich

  3. Rules are not for the Democrats there for the others The Democrats make up their own rules as they go alone

  4. LOL sure its unconstitutional. So unconstitutional that not even with the power of the POTUS, Senate, and a bevy of special interests groups and citizens do we see a valid Supreme Court case being mounted.


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