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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Cop admits he received oral sex in back of squad car from woman he had just arrested - but claims it was consensual

A former Delaware police officer charged with raping a wanted woman in his patrol car admitted he engaged in the inappropriate behavior, but did so because he thought she was a prostitute.

A lawyer representing Corporal Thomas Oliver Jr. who worked for the Wilmington Police Department and was suspended over the 2018 allegation which got him charged with rape, told jurors that his client thought he was having 'consensual sexual intercourse'.

'Thomas Oliver does not deny it was wrong on one level, not a criminal level, for him to pursue his own personal pleasures while serving as a Wilmington police officer', attorney Eugene Maurer said Tuesday during his opening statement.



  1. He was going by the Bill Clinton Precident that says that

    ORAL is Not sex , just like the Monica case !!!

    1. No one has ever gotten pregnant by oral gratification. So it really isn't sex at all

  2. No one cared when Bill Clinton was getting it, why go after this guy?

  3. I guess everyone deserves an attorney but geez, how low can you go? What attorney that passed the bar and and earned esquire status could stoop to this level and speak such nonsensical unlawful crapola? This is a pair of real scuzz balls. They should both be in jail! Lol

  4. ""The incident lasted less than a minute, court records said. After it was over, the woman was allowed to leave the vehicle and was not arrested for outstanding warrants, according to authorities.""

    Damn son!

  5. How many other times has this happened and the cop did NOT get caught? If this is the ONLY corrupt thing this cop did/does, I will give him a pass if he's out there risking his life to protect others.

    If that makes me a bad person, oh well, I'm sorry. I don't want to do his job, (even if I COULD), so unless they have another cop to replace him....I think it's better to keep him.

    1. Bad person? Will like God judge that. Idiot? You def hit that one on the mark

  6. 3:48 until it's your wife or daughter this predator assaults next!
    typical pos kop!

  7. Another example of what happens when you let the little guy make decisions...

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:48 until it's your wife or daughter this predator assaults next!
    typical pos kop!

    December 13, 2019 at 7:12 AM

    My wife and daughter aren't a prostitute.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Bad person? Will like God judge that. Idiot? You def hit that one on the mark

    December 13, 2019 at 7:08 AM

    Coming from the likes of you, that means a whole lot...of nothing.

  9. Consensual. End of story.

  10. Just doing his job !!! has been done many times !! LOL

  11. He was just negoitiating bail !!!

  12. 3:48 a.m. Give him a pass because he’s out there risking his life protecting others? By letting a felon go for a one minute oral copulation session? You really are a moron. Please don’t vote. And, well, hold your breath so other people can have the air.

  13. Usually when an leo pulls you over your screwed right away.

  14. He should get hard time he did the crime...…..now it's bend over and cell time.

  15. so how about he robs someone would that be ok? or maybe just outright lies and charges people with crimes would that be ok? I remember a time when cops actually did the right thing. shame with all the uneducated lowlifes that have gravitated to this profession having given them all a bad name! but then again if they (the good ones) cleaned up their own house it would be better?

  16. Being under arrest is the definition of non-consent

  17. DUMB cop & he knew better !!! In custody means it's a
    Rape charge & prison time !!!! She set him up !!!

  18. Now we know the real reason all the cop cars have those "privacy" tinted windows.

  19. marion barry said the bitch set me up

  20. No one has ever gotten pregnant by oral gratification. So it really isn't sex at all

    December 13, 2019 at 6:58 PM:

    Is that you Bill?

  21. Anonymous said...
    3:48 a.m. Give him a pass because he’s out there risking his life protecting others? By letting a felon go for a one minute oral copulation session? You really are a moron. Please don’t vote. And, well, hold your breath so other people can have the air.

    December 13, 2019 at 3:50 PM

    Naive lil boy, u certainly do need more o2 to ur misformed brain.


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