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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Barack Obama says women are 'indisputably better' than men

Former U.S. President Barack Obama says that women would do an 'indisputably better' job running the world than men, and blamed many of the problems around the globe on old, male leaders who don't want to give up their power.

Speaking at a private leadership conference in Singapore last week, Obama said that while he was still in office, he would think of what the world would be like if it was run by a majority of women.

'Now women, I just want you to know, you are not perfect. But what I can say pretty indisputably is that you're better than us [men]', he said at the meeting.



  1. That’s why he picked joe Biden for VP? Hired a male for FBI cia nsa dea ice and every other major duties. Except Clinton and she lost entire embassy with in 15 months. This comes after the Socialist got wiped out in Europe during the election. He just wants a speaking gig. 1 million per gig not bad. Spire and chief

  2. He is Campaigning already for his wife's run for president in 2024.

  3. Not surprised to hear Obama say something like this. After all manly Moochelle has big balls than him.


  4. Zero earned the nickname honestly; perhaps the only authentic aspect of his sorry life. But if that's what ValJar put on the teleprompter that's what he'll mumble.

  5. If women are so great, why did he marry a trans?

  6. Still playing the division game. Pathetic person.

  7. He must really dislike Biden. Maybe he's afraid of the gaffs Biden will make if he's elected and thinking about what might be revealed about Ukraine and well, just about everything else Obama and Clinton did to dig up dirt on Trump.

  8. Obozo the clown. Good at juggling balls. LMAO hard !!!

  9. Women and men naturally have certain skill sets that are traits of their gender. Traditionally women have raised sons to be great leaders, that doesn’t make women, in general, to be leaders themselves. We all know what Obama is trying to do with this “broad” statement. Get it? Broad as a noun.

  10. Obama said "blamed many of the problems around the globe on old, male leaders who don't want to give up their power."

    So then, Mr. Obama, just how is Nancy Pelosi any better?

  11. He was a Finland speaking pay day. Good Obama keep up the hustle. No one listening to you in the USA anymore that was evident when you supported the failed candidate for governor down south. She lost in areas you won.

  12. lol ask his husband

  13. I'll never be half the man my mother was.

  14. And I would respond to Obama that white men are indisputably better than blacks.


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