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Friday, December 27, 2019

AOC accepts Tom Steyer contribution despite ripping Buttigieg and Warren for wealthy donors

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accepted a $2,700 donation from billionaire Tom Steyer, who is running as a Democrat for president, according to a 2018 filing uncovered by OpenSecrets.org.

The donation comes after Ocasio-Cortez railed against billionaire money in politics during a campaign event for Sen. Bernie Sanders last week. "For anyone who accuses us for instituting purity tests — it's called having values," she said. "It's called giving a damn. It's called having standards for your conduct to not be funded by billionaires but to be funded by the people."

The long-simmering tension between Democratic hopefuls boiled over at the sixth Democratic debate in Los Angeles in December, with Buttigieg and Warren arguing over their donor base and personal wealth. As the Democratic Party attempts to coax working-class voters, candidates have tried to diminish the role that big money plays in their campaigns.



  1. AOC's expertise is tending bar. Just as you can't drink all day unless you start early in the morning, you can't be a SocialistDemocrat hypocrite unless your actions are at variance with your speech.

    You'll know she's interested in a higher job when she wangles a Reserve commission as a resume builder, just like Pete, Hunter, Tulsi and Jake.

  2. Exactly, whoever offers her the highest position is the winner, it's all about bashing your opponent and moving up the ladder.

  3. Even when AOC should have nothing to say, she says something, very often a stupid something.


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