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Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Actor Josh Brolin Says His Anus Is Sunburned After Trying ‘Perineum Sunning’

Actor Josh Brolin says that his anus is now sunburned after trying out the latest fad known as “perineum sunning,” which involves sunbathing one’s nether regions. “I don’t know who the f*ck thought of this stupid sh!t,” said the actor, expressing his dismay over his burned anus.

“Tried this perineum sunning that I’ve been hearing about and my suggestion is DO NOT do it as long as I did,” said Josh Brolin on his Instagram account over the weekend. “My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain.”

More here

(Is Josh Brolin a democrat? Just askin'... :-)


  1. This is what Hil-nasty much have felt like in 2016 ?

  2. Is this a schtick from Beavis and Butthead or Dumb and Dumber?

  3. Here’s your sign

  4. Did he eat a Tide Pod while he was out there? They just keep getting crazier and crazier.

  5. Sunburns can cause skin cancer, no matter where the skin. Eeew.

  6. His father is married to Barbra S - must be a genetic thing...

  7. He is very lucky that Democratic Presidential Candidate Buttigieg was nowhere near him!!

  8. Man, how does one take a crap with a sunburned a-hole? He must be on a liquid diet.


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