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Sunday, December 01, 2019

A Viewer Writes "Joe, What's Going ON At DMV"

Hey Joe, have you or any of your viewers shared an experience similar to what recently happened at the Salisbury DMV with my son? He went to the DMV to register for the "REQUIRED" Real ID Enrollment. He had the required documents but for some reason they would not accept his birth certificate. Now this is the same birth certificate that was used he entered our school system. It's the same birth certificate that was used when he went to get his drivers learner permit and license. It was the same birth certificate that was used when he applied for his passport and now, out of the blue, his birth certificate was suddenly not acceptable."But", they sent him over to the Health Department and for $22.00 they printed up a "New" birth certificate that they would accept.

Something stinks here. Whose pocket or what fund is all this extra money going into? When someone applies for their Maryland license all the same information the Real ID Enrollment is asking for they already have. So what has happened? Have they lost all that information and are they trying to quietly get it back without telling anyone.? Has their security system been hacked in some way that they can't use their old system again? Is this just a way that Maryland has figured out that they could make a few bucks? (You know - taxes&fees)? We all know who controls the General Assembly.

So, what's going on? Is this an isolated incident or has others had similar experiences?


  1. Did it have a raised seal on it?

  2. I’m about to go to the mva for the fourth time to attempt to accomplish the same goal. Def a scam

  3. It's happening to everyone. More $ to line the pocket of MD. It's supposed to be to reference the # on the the new issued birth certificate in their database.

  4. Everyone is having the same problem. A great many “Birth Certificate” copies are missing some piece of info (in my case parents names). WHAT A ROYAL PIA.
    But I guess, if you’re illegal this info isn’t necessary for some reason!!!!!

    1. I have been wondering the same thing and can not get an answer from anyone about that. I have thought about applying as an illegal alien and see what happens.

    2. I called MVA when I first got my notice to get real ID..I asked how illegal aliens are going to get their "real ID" because they are...well.. illegally here...the lady hung up on me..

  5. The birth certificate required for the new drivers license is a state certified certificate. The one you have is probably one from the hospital which is not acceptable ID. Compare the two side by side. I along with many others had to get a state certified certificate to renew my license. Go to their wen site for information on what is needed to get a new license.

  6. FYI - If your Son had a valid passport, that would have been acceptable in lieu of the birth certificate.

  7. Called : A RACKET !@$#&!!

  8. You are not alone, they are doing it to everyone.

  9. Why would you need birth certificate if you have a passport?

  10. Federal law
    Your son didn’t have the proper paperwork
    Passport present birth certificate not required
    Your son is lying
    Your lying
    Count headlights in the rain.
    Thank you

    1. Why is my passport that’s been fine for 50 years suddenly not accepted to get my license a CDL as well which I’ve had since 21 ??? It’s a total scam

  11. It's just another way for these Maryland democrats to reach in to your back pocket. This is just one of the reasons I moved out of Maryland.

  12. I made out fine. In and out in about 10 minutes.

    1. Me too, 923. And it didn't cost me a dime.

  13. At the top of your original "birth certificate", did it say "Certificate of Live Birth"? Not a birth certificate.

  14. All the while illegals roam free and protected from ICE.

  15. The certificate you get from DMV does not have a raised seal. Let's see, Feds direct a new requirement and allow state to carry it out. State sees a way to make money and does so. Isn't this typical of a Democratic General Assembly? Kind of like Jake Day supporting the Rain Tax in Salisbury.

  16. So, so many people are confused about the difference between a registration of live birth (what the complainer called a "birth certificate") that was issued by the hospital, and an actual birth certificate, issued by the Bureau of Vital Statistics. That registration of live birth will get you into school and a lot of other things, but it will not get you a passport, OR a Real ID. She just got a lesson in what a real birth certificate looks like. She is certainly lying about the passport. They will not accept that registration of live birth for a passport ID. Everyone that has a passport knows that. If her son actually had a valid passport, the DMV would had accepted the passport as proof of ID. She's just upset she had to spend $22.00 for the birth certificate. Too bad.

    1. You’re a condescending little twit that hasn’t spoken to this women so you don’t know what she had, you like harassing women so we know you’re a liberal little punk

    2. You can spin it all you want it’s another way for Maryland to impose a back door tax on legal citizens

  17. I wasn't charged one cent when I updated my license.

  18. Someone really has a beef with the DMV. Third or fourth post this week alone.

  19. I don't need to fly so I will just wait until I absolutely have to go. I can't help maryland screwed up the first time around trying to comply with federal law. Maybe if I have to go there for something else. I'm not making a special trip to "show them my papers".

  20. Don't bother. You don't lose your license without one you just don't have the ID on you. I'm not paying for new documents, if they want it then make it free. I'll just be ID less.

  21. They say it's a birth registration, not a birth certificate, yet my son went into the Army with it. Go figure.

  22. It’s not just Maryland! I was recently told in my state that criminals are making fake passports to use to try to get drivers licenses. This is meant to protect us citizens!

  23. Humans are titled under the Law of the Sea (Admiralty Law) via the international commodity traders. These traders are the international bankers. They founded the Southeast Trading Company.

    We were birthed in water and hence are subject to Admiralty Law. We are property and are held as assets against the US Government's debt (US Bonds). Our bodies are collateral. We were delivered at port and a doc wrote a birth certificate as evidence of the birth (delivery of commodity).

  24. I bet if his name was Obama, he'd get the license

  25. My daughter had an issue as well. At first, they told her she needed more documents, but she brought everything that was listed on their website.

    Eventually, she got them to go ahead and issue but just another example of workers either not knowing their job or just lazy. (she had enough documents and did not leave to get any more)

  26. @434 Your knowledge gives me hope for the eastern shore. I've tried explaining things of that nature to our people for awhile. As a example, the word currency being derived from current and sea and a bank coming from the bank of a river. It all ties in to maritime law and is why we have gold on the flags in courtrooms.

    1. 1105, the term "currency" comes from the middle English term "curraunt", meaning "in circulation."

  27. My experience with MVA in Salisbury has always been excellent. They have always been polite, helpful, and efficient. I have heard people from other places say how good they are compared to where they are from. However you do have to have your documents in order. Yes I know about the birth certificate issue, I had to deal with that when I got a passport in 70s.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    @434 Your knowledge gives me hope for the eastern shore. I've tried explaining things of that nature to our people for awhile. As a example, the word currency being derived from current and sea and a bank coming from the bank of a river. It all ties in to maritime law and is why we have gold on the flags in courtrooms.

    November 30, 2019 at 11:05 PM

    I have heard rumors similar to this before. One held that the U.S.A. was more of a corporation than a country and it's citizens were assets.

    Another one was no one needed a driver's license unless they drove commercially and they never held a license.

    They are on the internet so they MUST be true...right?

    1. Sarcasm noted, 815. It is propaganda perpetuated by the Sovereign Citizen movement. Psuedo-intellectual paranoids who don't know nearly as much as they claim, but are dangerously active in trying to spread their b.s

  29. I had to get new birth certificate several years ago. So that is what I took to DMV. No problems.
    Virginia drivers are asked to volunteer ly go to dmv for same process. It's a national security plan. Not just maryland.

    1. And yet illegals are exempt

    2. if you refuse to do this

      your license will expire


      which means GRASSHOPPER, you will need to take your driving test all over

  30. Some people seem to think the Birth Certificate provides them with privileges. It does not.

    It signifies the cargo was delivered (birthed) in the waters (Canal) owned by the government with jurisdiction

    We are assets against the national debt (US Bonds).

  31. When I had to get my Passport, I had to do this. My birth Certificate was a hospital Birth Certificate in 1962. I had to do the same. I went to the health department on main street and also paid 22 dollars to get an official one. It was a pain, but when I recently had to get my drivers license renewed, I brought the required documents. They mainly used the passport because it is considered a better document, because of what you have to go through than the birth certificate. If you have a passport, you are home free!

  32. @320, No I won't. I'll drive without one and won't ever pay a single red cent. Lock me up if you want, it's your dime and I guarantee I destroy every single matress I'm provided with and you will by law provide me with one to sleep on each and every day or I'll hire a lawyer and sue the state for cruel and unusual punishment. The end.

  33. Oh, and if that doesn't work, I'll sit on my ass and collect welfare. Not a problem with it at all. No license, no job, no paying taxes, free money, free food. However it goes down I will not be extorted to buy documents mandated I must have. If I must have them then the state should provide them. Period.

  34. I was in and out in 10 minutes too - no issues, no charges.

  35. December 1, 2019 at 9:32 PM;

    Yeah, right (not). Like you'll give up your right to drive to avoid paying $22.00 for a copy of your birth certificate. Just how stupid are you?

  36. I read the instructions concerning required documents and gathered them up. I took them to the DMV and was in and out with my Real ID in under 20 minutes. The lady at the info desk was very polite and the man who issued my Real ID was also polite. Reading the instructions was the key to an easy time at the DMV.

  37. I took my information to MVA today

    It did not take long, and I was out of there

    if you need a Birth certificate like the one your mom and dad were given about you...

    The Health Department on Main Street will provide you one for 22.00

  38. @1244 you don't give up your right to drive. You just don't have a physical copy of the license. It's right on the DMV website.

  39. December 2, 2019 at 6:31 PM:

    All my parents, and everybody else's parents, got was a registration of live birth. I still have it, and it's what you have to take to the health department to get the birth certificate. They are not the same thing.


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