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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

WSJ: Veterans Feel Betrayed by Colleges that Undermine American Values

A column published in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday makes the case that colleges and universities undermine the values that American veterans risked their lives to defend.

U.S. Air Force Veteran Rob Henderson penned a column for the Wall Street Journal this week in which he made the case that veterans feel betrayed by colleges and universities that seek to undermine American values.

Henderson expressed concern that campus activists actively seek to destroy the American values that veterans have risked their lives to defend. Henderson noted that college students often boast about their opposition to basic American values, like the First and Second Amendments. Henderson describes a discussion he had with a fellow veteran about campus culture.

He said he was mystified, observing that the predominantly working- and middle-class people in the military swear an oath to defend with their lives the U.S. Constitution, including the First and Second amendments. Meanwhile, affluent college students regularly trash the First and seek to dismantle the Second. Are veterans being duped, he questioned, into believing they are upholding American values while the richest kids in the world—the ones being groomed for success and power—try to undermine them?



  1. Bring back the draft, mandatory two year enlistment

  2. Because we allow our taxpayers money to subsidized this behavior. It's a carefully designed plan to undermine EVERYTHING that makes America great. We allow our children to be indoctrinated by ANTI-AMERICA Foreigners in our colleges. We even have ANTI-AMERICA teacher's in our public school system. When our kids hear NOTHING BUT ANTI-AMERICA propaganda from first grade through college. How do you think our BRAINWASHED children will act when they become adults?? This has been going on for decades. Be very skeptical when you see so called DOCTOR'S becoming principal of a elementary school. It's already beginning. WE ARE IN TROUBLE. But teacher's don't care. All they want is MONEY 😭😭.

  3. trump has reshaped the judiciary, taken control of the fed, draining the deep state and the swamp. next up the local schools and the colleges that rob your children of their future!

  4. First, this is not just happening at "elite" colleges. This is across the spectrum. If you do not believe that it is happening locally, you are mistaken.
    And this is not a new phenomenon. This also occurred during the time period when Viet Nam vets went to school after their service.
    It has only gotten worse with time. The left are in firm control of the majority of colleges and universities and if you want your degree, then you will have to agree with the Professors leftist views. You are taught to parrot their views, not to think for yourself. And, yes, they are anti-American values. And, yes, the Vets are right to feel suckered for giving up their lives, their families, their friends, their health for leftists who sneer at them.
    What have we the American people gotten out of these wars? We were lied to about the Viet Nam war. We were lied to about the Iraq war. What have we gotten out of 20 years in the war in Afghanistan? Revenge against Saudi Bin Laden? Was there no other way to exact revenge without stepping into the blackhole that war in Afghanistan is? History has told us that it is a very bad idea to go to war there and it has been. And when we leave, the Taliban who shelter Bin Laden will return to power.
    Obama/Clinton's Arab Spring destabilized the middle east and have cost our lives and created a refugee problem that has damaged western civilization. What benefit have we received?! It is darn hard to feel like we received any benefit from a flood of muslims into Europe and America?
    Vets should feel betrayed. They should feel very betrayed. Going forward, I would not allow my children to go in the service for glablist governments who do not support American values.

    1. College out and military is out. So what are your kids going to do?? Play games and troll?

    2. There is profit to me made during war time

  5. That is exactly what they are doing.

  6. 7:07, I agree with mandatory draft. Only problem is too many would fail med exam due to anxiety attacks and other neurological issues.

  7. All "hidden dangers of the rainbow" and its evil plot to drag us all down..read it and you eyes will be opened to all the groups and agencies supporting this agenda. Been going on for way to long so we are reaping whats already been sown.


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