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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Witness: Aid to Lebanon Withheld at Same Time, and Same Way, as Ukraine

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale testified to the House Intelligence Committee earlier this month that aid to Lebanon had been withheld at roughly the same time, and in the same way, as aid to Ukraine.

The transcript of Hale’s closed-door deposition was released Monday evening, on the eve of a slew of new hearings.

Hale, a career diplomat, testified that the suspension of aid to various countries was part of a context in which the Trump administration had “embarked on a foreign assistance review in which we are trying to reestablish the norms that guide the assistance that we provide overseas.” Hale called the review of U.S. foreign aid “long overdue.”

He added that aid to Lebanon had been withheld by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the White House– as had aid to the “Northern Triangle” of countries in Central America from which many of the migrants flocking to the U.S. border had come.

More here


  1. Schiff is withholding evidence,since he is not releasing the closed door transcripts, so how can he charge the President.

  2. Our damn country CAN damn sight WITHOLD ALL $$$
    from ANY foreign Country & WE Owe them Nothing !!!

    POTUS is Commander in Chief & the Chief Law Inforcement
    Officer > > > LIKE it of NOT !!!

  3. I sincerely hope I have an army of patriotic militiamen ready for 1776 if they manage to, through corruption, remove our duly elected leader. If we do not go to war for him we need not ever vote in an election again. There will be no point as they will repeat the same tactic. This is also why the republican party needs to drop the bipartisan rhetoric as there is no reciprocation from the left.

  4. 4:05 You are spot on!!

  5. We need to make Our Govt STOP giving away OUR hard
    earned $$$ / Taxpayer $$ to Other countrys !!!

    We cannot afford to support the rest of the world & we
    are Taxed to death & living hard here . America First !!!

    Our damn crooked Govt Berocracy gives Millions/ Billions/
    Trillions away & making Dirty deals all the time !! Criminal


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