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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Wisconsin Assembly Votes for Christmas Tree, Bible Week

Republicans who lead the Wisconsin Assembly voted Tuesday to call the state Capitol evergreen a Christmas tree and formally recognize National Bible Week, moves they said were necessary to ensure Christianity isn't marginalized as the holidays approach.

The 64-30 vote on naming the tree was a direct response to Gov. Tony Evers' declaration last week that it would be called a "holiday tree." Evers' Republican predecessor Scott Walker, the son of a Baptist minister, declared the evergreen was a Christmas tree during his first term in 2011.

"It seems like the only religion we're willing to take shots at is Christianity," Assembly Majority Leader Jim Steineke told reporters during a news conference.

Democrat Rep. Jonathan Brostoff, who is Jewish, told Republicans if they want to help Christians they should pass gun control bills to keep them from getting killed.



  1. ...and more cheese.

  2. Well thank goodness they are calling a Christmas tree a Christmas tree!!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I am 77 and have been aware for at least forty years that Jews have been trying to destroy Christmas and other aspects of our culture. Elimination of Christmas trees, requiring “Happy Holidays” instead of merry Christmas, removal of manger displays and many other examples which I don’t care to get into here. Over the centuries, Jews have been expelled from over 100 countries as a result of their business practices and their devious behavior as well as their hatred for Christianity. I don’t suppose they have asked themselves why they are targeted. There I go with my inconvenient and insensitive statements of truth. Try to refute it. I’m willing to listen.

  4. Guns dont kill. Thats up to mental midgets like unhinged dems


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