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Friday, November 15, 2019

White House releases transcript of Trump’s first call with Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky

The White House on Friday released the transcript of President Trump’s first call with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky — in which he congratulated him “on a fantastic election.”

The president had promised several times to release the transcript of the April 12 call, which he described as more important that the one about three months later in which Trump asked Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

That call prompted a whistleblower complaint that led Democrats to launch an impeachment inquiry. The probe centers on whether Trump abused his power by withholding almost $400 million in security aid to put pressure on the US ally.



  1. POTUS does Not have to release any damn thing period !!!

    His damn calls are Private /Top Secret & anyone listening in
    should be PROSECUTED & they are NOT a damn Whistle
    Blower !!!!

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFENovember 15, 2019 at 7:36 PM


      I certainly believe our President Trump is amused by the shenanigans carried on by the evil Democrats...

      We shall prevail as a Nation under God

      Vote Trump 2020

  2. This Listening IN has Never been allowed before & would
    Never be allowed by heads of state !!

    All the Hear-say would Never be allowed in court either !!!

    Demon-crat shame this week / what will next week have ??

    How many More so-called witnesses ?? waisting time & $$

  3. How many more Phone Calls do they drum up now ??? LOL

    How many more Witnesses ???? LOL All Worthless !!

    What is it going to be next week ????

    1. Trump was trading something for Cuban cigars. The commicrats are desperate

  4. New Witch Hunt by Dems Every week until 2020 election
    you can bet !! Go ahead make my day !! Trump Wins !!

  5. Time to investigate the Democrats for a change !!!
    Lets Hold some hearings on them !!!

  6. Where are those Hillary & Obama Transcripts ??


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