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Thursday, November 07, 2019

Virginia Election Plagued with Ballot Irregularities, Some Voters Turned Away

Election Day on Tuesday in the Commonwealth of Virginia was filled with ballot problems and some voters were told they could not vote, according to media reports in the state.

Local radio station WTOP reported on some of the problems:

In Prince William County, several hundreds ballots were misprinted and contained only one side, election officials confirmed to WTOP. Earlier in the day, another problem emerged in Stafford County, where for the second straight Virginia House of Delegates election, some voters there cast ballots in the wrong races Tuesday, state elections officials said.

Prince William County confirmed ballot issues at three voting locations Tuesday morning. After getting calls from two listeners who said they had trouble voting in the morning, WTOP got in touch with registrar Michelle White, who confirmed the problem.

WTOP talked to one man, the caretaker for a disabled Virginia voter, who said that she and others were turned away.



  1. The ONLY way a liberal can win any election is by hook or crook...


  2. Very predictable, but what will actually be done?

  3. The GOP was responsible for a massive breexh in the voting system in NC. This was proven in a court of law. Not a peep from you guys. But suddenly a whiff of innuendo and you are top detectives on the case. LOL

  4. That is an invalid election and must have a do over or the Democrats admit to voter tampering.

  5. It is now a blue state forever

  6. And you wonder why the Democrats took control of the State?? Notice no mention of problems for the Democrats?? That was the plan and it worked!


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