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Friday, November 15, 2019

US-born 'ISIS bride' Hoda Muthana isn't an American citizen and can't come back, judge rules

A woman born in New Jersey, who fled the United States to join the Islamic State five years ago, isn't an American citizen and won't be leaving the Syrian refugee camp where she resides, a federal judge ruled.

Hoda Muthana, the so-called ISIS bride, “doesn’t have a constitutional right to return to the United States because she is not a U.S. citizen,” Judge Reggie Walton of the District of Columbia District Court ruled Thursday.

Muthana, 25, left her family home in Alabama and dropped out of school in 2014 after making contact with ISIS fighters through social media. She was born to a Yemeni diplomat in 1994 and was issued an American passport despite eventual confusion about when her father's diplomatic post officially came to an end.



  1. Is she related to Hannah Montana? How about Chaquita Banana?

  2. Pelosi is an ISIS Bride !!! Deport her too

  3. Get out and keep out!

  4. AOC = another ISIS Bride !!!

  5. Fab 4 = All Isis Brides !! LOL LOL

  6. Hillary = Russian Bride !! LOL


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