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Friday, November 15, 2019

Trump flips New York-based appeals court as Steven Menashi confirmed

With the confirmation of White House attorney Steven Menashi to the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, another federal appeals court has a majority of Republican-appointed judges.

Menashi, whose nomination was vehemently opposed by Democrats and civil rights groups, was confirmed by the Senate, 51-41. Republican Maine Sen. Susan Collins joined Democrats in opposing the 40-year-old's nomination. The 2nd Circuit now has seven judges tapped by Republican presidents and six named by Democrats.

The 2nd Circuit is the second federal appeals court Trump has remade to have a majority of judges appointed by GOP presidents. In March, the president flipped the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals with the confirmation of Paul Matey.



  1. Sen.Collins needs to go.

  2. Susan Collins should join Pierre Delecto and just come out as truly being dumbocrats.

  3. She’s a democrat in disguise.


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