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Friday, November 01, 2019

The Rules Of The Democrat-Backed Impeachment Inquiry Are Stacked Against Trump

House Democrats rubber-stamped an ad hoc anti-Trump investigation Thursday aimed at overturning the results of the 2016 election after the spectacular failure of the grand Russian collusion hoax collapsing earlier this year.

The text of the resolution lays the framework for the official impeachment proceedings going forward led by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who has been operating an illegitimate process since Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., announced the beginning an investigation in September.

Despite Democrat claims that the resolution would mean an open and transparent process, House members are still holding hearings in secret even after its passage.

The Democrat passed rules for impeachment also bar Republican lawmakers from calling witnesses or subpoenaing evidence without prior approval from Democrats. Members of the minority party were granted these rights in both the Nixon and the Clinton impeachment proceedings.



  1. Seems like it's aimed to stop cover ups. I have no problem because I assume the same would be true if roles were reversed.

  2. BS, they are the exact same as the rules were for the Clinton impeachment. Why lie?

    1. Nothing done back door on clinton. Clinton was guilty and Trump is not. Keep keep drink in kook aid cupcake

    2. 12:45 I could ask you the same. Why would you lie? There were no private secretive meetings during Clinton’s impeachment. But good try junior.

  3. We must face the facts. Trump will be impeached in the House. He will NOT be removed from office by the Senate. He will also LOSE the next election because of the Democrats demographic shifting of this country. No republican will ever be President again, we WILL lose both the house and the senate forever. Did you really think the past 50 years of liberal propaganda on TV, movies and in colleges was for nothing? Pay attention, because the next thing WILL be a cultural revolution like China had then the wholesale liquidation of Christians and conservatives. Don't hide from it. Buy more ammo today.

  4. No Trump will not be removed from office and if the Country stays off its butt he will be re-elected. We can only hope that the House will flip back and maybe something can get done. Otherwise it will be the same crap for the next 5 years and Trump will do the best he can. 12:45 no they are not you really need to get educated for yourself and stop watching CNN

  5. We will still hear the sound of sucking in 2024 as the swamp drains. Trump is a winner. He keeps on winning, but he was wrong we he said I would get tired of winning.

  6. I can't believe the Dems blatant actions!

  7. The opioid crisis.
    Major American cities in shambles.
    People dying in the streets of Chicago and Baltimore.
    Infrastructure decaying.
    All that, but our politicians are focusing all their time and money (our money) on a few words in a phone call?
    Who in their right mind would ever vote to keep these people in office?

  8. In all fairness, the republicans started it with Bill Clinton. When they couldn't find the Whitewater crimes he was alleged to have committed, all they could find to impeach was his lying under oath for questions about his infidelity and sex life. That was a shame impeachment, and nobody won. I'm a staunch Republican and conservative, but I think that republican house should have stuck to the script and looked for actual crimes, not just the President lying to them. Congress lies to all Americans, every day. They don't get impeached. Impeachment is a political act, not an act of any kind of justice. I was hoping I wouldn't see it again in my lifetime. The democrat political party lost the presidency to a man in a election that they had fixed for their candidate to win. They are just continuing, since day one of Trump's presidency, to overturn the election that he legally won, even though the media and Hillary's mob had it in the bag. The democrat crime syndicate will not stop until someone goes to jail. Hopefully it's one of them. It's funny that the Legislative branch, the ones that make all the laws, don't make any laws for the crimes they commit. I think the founding fathers missed that one.


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