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Thursday, November 14, 2019

'The Real Ukraine Controversy': John Solomon Exposes How Rogue US Embassy Conducted Foreign Policy

The first time I ever heard the name of U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was in early March of this year. It did not come from a Ukrainian or an ally of President Trump. It came from a career diplomat I was interviewing on background on a different story.

The diplomat, as I recall, suggested that Yovanovitch had just caused a commotion in Ukraine a few weeks before that country’s presidential election by calling for the firing of one of the prosecutors aligned with the incumbent president.

The diplomat related that a more senior State official, David Hale, was about to travel to Ukraine and was prepping to be confronted about Yovanovitch’s comments. I remember the diplomat joking something to the effect of, “we always say that the Geneva Convention is optional for our Kiev staff.”

The Geneva Convention is the UN-backed pact enacted during the Cold War that governs the conduct of foreign diplomats in host countries and protects them against retribution. But it strictly mandates that foreign diplomats “have a duty not to interfere in the internal affairs of that State” that hosts them. You can read the convention’s rules here.



  1. AG Barr has caught them all and they no it. This impeachment is nuts and scary. I wonder how much damage dems have done all over the world in the last 40 years. BIDEN IS CORRUPT and caught.

  2. Folks, you are going to want to watch her public hearing; this Solomon evidence is going to rip her up. I understand she was brought to tears behind closed doors, there won't be enough Kleenex in D.C. for this waterfall.

  3. Distort and distract.

    That is the strategy. Distort and distract... never actually address any of the facts.

    Tell me, for what reason was money with held from Ukraine. Everyone seems confused about that and no reason was given. Why was the money release directly after the whitehouse found out they were going to be exposed?

    Why investigate these allegations NOW? Why not a year ago... two years ago? Why ask for this, along with investigating a political rival in an election.

    No... don't touch ANY of that with a bazillion foot pole.

    Distort. Distract. Defend.

    No access to actual witnesses. White House orders.

    Come on people... if this doesn't seem fishy to you... ya'll chased email servers, railed about Bengazi, went nuts over birth certificates... but THIS! This you PASS on?

    Gotta be better than this.

  4. @ November 15, 2019 at 9:27 AM TheRealRay

    LOL. Your response is the very embodiment of the point being made. Well done junior! Distort. Distract.

    Sorry pal, I voted FOR Trump, and have never supported Hillary. I just happen to think for myself and don't parrot the party propaganda. You should try it sometime... thinking for yourself is crucial to liberty.

  5. @ November 15, 2019 at 9:27 AM TheRealRay

    LOL. Your response is the very embodiment of the point being made. Well done junior! Distort. Distract.

    Sorry pal, I voted FOR Trump, and have never supported Hillary. I just happen to think for myself and don't parrot the party propaganda. You should try it sometime... thinking for yourself is crucial to liberty.

  6. 808 it was held because Trump wanted to see if the Ukraine new President was corrupt and if he was going to use our tax dollars for good. Believe it or not corruption can be democrats former vps and others. Biden can be corrupt a former VP and running for office. After yesterday we learned he is CORRUPT and Kent was concerned but Taylor refuse to answer. Simple not sure why this is hard for anyone. AG Barr and Durham will arrest and prosecution is certain. ( Trump wrote a book on this and campaigned on it. )

  7. @ November 15, 2019 at 12:30 PM

    Right, he held the money, to see if the new Ukraine leadership was corrupt? You got a source on that? When the money was released... was that because it was decided they weren't corrupt? It decided it was not corrupt, while still saying it wanted investigations for corruption. Oh, and the White House released the money as soon as it found out it was going to be exposed by the whistle blower report. Like literally the very next day.

    You have a source to cite for this? Or is it just your wild guess?


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