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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Death Throes Of A Party: Is Pelosi Planning To Shaft Schiff?

Is it possible that Rep. Adam Schiff was hung out to dry by the devious Ms. Pelosi, feeding his vanity to be a one-man impeachment wrecking crew, knowing that the congressman from Hollywood would utterly blow it? Hmmmmm. Begins to look that way as Mr. Schiff’s House Intel Committee goes public this Wednesday with its soviet-style format on full display.

Well, first, why? Why allow this nitwit to stage an ersatz impeachment only to see it fail? Perhaps to cancel the Jacobin menace metastasizing in the Democratic Party and get on with the business of winning the 2020 elections — with old-school candidates hand-picked to end-run the gang of fantasists currently on display.

The House Speaker must sniff the odor of failure in the wind.

Joe Biden, smiling cretinously, blunders through the primary venues with a big red “L” plastered on his forehead, often uncertain of what state he’s landed in, or what direction to face the camera. Everybody over twelve in this land knows that his kid Hunter was on the grift in Ukraine, plain and simple, and that Joe assisted in the operation. Color him toast.



  1. The relatively short road to Democratic failure is littered with the bodies of those who had no clue just how little they really had to offer other than more cheap perfume to cover the stink of those who play the party faithful like a tin whistle.

  2. Good analogies 4:29 AM. Schiff is at the epicenter of this debacle with his boy toy Eric Swalwell recently of a failed 2020 presidential bid. Their partisanship is so transparent it makes a mockery of the judicial system and will leave an indelible stain on the Democratic party and set precedent for when the tables are turned. Admittedly Trump is not squeaky clean but has done nothing to warrant "high crimes and misdemeanors" that are impeachable.

  3. Bribery, extortion and obstruction are indeed crimes and impeachable offenses.

    1. Other than murder you perfectly described Hillary Clinton, so if she is unassailable then trump is not only safe he might be raised to saint hood.

  4. 8:56...how do you know he did those things? Let me guess...the media! smh... Show us prove and I'm not talking about hearsay.


  5. So Slow Joe was poking along on the $174K +/- a Senator makes, while he was setting up his cokehead son for $600K or more just from the Ukraine hoist?

    And even after making allowance for the cost of drugs, none of that found its way to Slow Joe's piggy bank?

    Is that the way human nature works with corruptocrats?


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