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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Bay Bridge Deck Rehabilitation Project - A Closer Look


  1. What a joke
    Md needs to quit fooling everyone with their bs
    Md needs to just build a new replacement bridge
    Bridge is crumbling down

  2. This video should have been presented within the first few weeks after the project began. Would have presented the visual facts and scale of this project and have shown to those idiots who argued why the work couldn’t be done at night and the lane reopened during the day. Sooner than later, the same work is going to be done in the middle and left lanes.

  3. excellent video and explanation of what is happening on the bay bridge during construction.

  4. Md needs to quit fooling everyone with their bs
    Md needs to just build a new replacement bridge
    Bridge is crumbling down

    November 27, 2019 at 6:26 AM:

    You can be the first to donate 1/2 of your salary to the replacement project. Put YOUR money where your mouth is, not mine.

  5. No bridge lasts forever. Someday they are going to have to replace those bridges. Did they take into account the huge increase of traffic going to Ocean City and back, when they built that bridge? To handle the increase in weight.


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