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Thursday, November 21, 2019

'That's locked': Lindsey Graham announces release date for FISA report

Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham announced a date for the release of the Justice Department inspector general's report on alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuses.

During an appearance on Fox News, the South Carolina Republican said Inspector General Michael Horowitz's findings will be released on Monday, Dec. 9.

"It'll be December 9th -- you'll get the report," he told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Wednesday. "That's locked," he added.

Graham provided no other details, including how he learned the date, but the senator did receive an update from Attorney General William Barr earlier this month. The announcement comes a couple of days after Graham scheduled a hearing on Dec. 11 for Horowitz to testify about his forthcoming report on FBI intelligence-gathering activities related to the 2016 presidential election.



  1. No one is getting arrested and no one is going to jail and no one will have their lives ruined.
    Crimes were committed. No question. no doubt.
    It's Two Sets of Laws.
    "We, the people" go to prison and lose everything we have. THEY go to Spain for vacation.


    What needs to happen? Schiff needs to tell us to "eat cake"?

    Keep cheering.

  2. Good! We have long awaited this revealing information. Going to be fun watching the Democrats walk and chew gum on this one.

  3. Sweet, FISA brings down the house!


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