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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Teachers’ Unions See Drops in Membership and Revenue

Teachers’ unions are continuing to see a decline in membership and revenue since the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v. AFSCME in June 2018.

A recent report at the Washington Free Beacon demonstrated that, despite the media spectacles of red-shirted striking teachers in large cities, teachers’ unions are shedding numbers and revenue, even in states in which they have encountered strong support in the past.

The Free Beacon reported:
Two Oregon teachers’ unions—the state’s American Federation of Teachers (AFT) chapter and the Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA)—reported drops in paying members of 35 percent and 36 percent, respectively. Both unions lost nearly $1 million in revenue as a result, with the OSEA closing three field offices and accepting a $400,000 bailout from its parent organization to help make ends meet. In Washington, the Federation of State Employees disclosed a 27 percent decline in financial supporters since June 2018.



  1. I didn't want my union spending my dues on politicians that aren't my choices, and they never listen to the rank and file, so bye-bye.

  2. Maybe the unions aren't radical enough for the America hating teachers.

  3. The Unions in every profession has ruined their reputation by not looking at what benefits they are providing and what their members want. So Unions can screw themselves and quit destroying the professions they supposedly working for. The BOSS's of the Unions making millions driving high priced cars, very expensive clothes, traveling first class to name a few perks they are getting while screwing over their members.

  4. Exactly 1:07, along with donating money to politicians

  5. The BOE and unions on the shore suck up all the money. And we see thecresults.SCHOOL VOUCHERS will fix this problem forever

  6. SCHOOL VOUCHERS PEOPLE!! EASY FIX..get our control back from these fools and the communistic BOEs too

  7. How long did you think the union can continue to support ANTI AMERICAN, COMMON SENSE POLICIES,and UNQUALIFIED MINORITY TEACHER'S before people said NO MORE??


  8. Previous comments hit it squarely--.. School vouchers.

    But the unions won't stand for the competition because it would destroy them.

    The RedForEd movement is socialist, and dangerous.

  9. No respect for any teacher or administrator.

    1. Respect is earned not given. With the poorly educated coming out of public school systems, you really expect a pat on the back when you have NOT DONE YOUR JOB? Seriously?


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