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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Students Walk Out to Protest Chick-fil-A at Football Games

A group of Oregon high school students organized by the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club walked out of school last week in protest of the presence of a Chick-fil-A food truck at the school’s football games.

The students at West Linn High School walked out to protest the school’s use of Chick-fil-A as a food vendor at football games, reported KATU2, apparently because they view the presence of the popular fast-food chain to be part of an unsafe environment for LGBTQ students. They said some students have experienced harassment in classrooms and on sports teams.

The Gay-Straight Alliance reportedly said Chick-fil-A supports anti-LGBTQ organizations and charities.

As the group of students organized by the Gay-Straight Alliance walked out of school, another group also left the school wearing “Make America Great Again” hats and waving Chick-fil-A bags.

KATU2 reported officials at the high school said the Chick-fil-A food truck will remain at the football games throughout the season, but they will reconsider their vetting process for contracts with vendors in the future.

More here


  1. What are you rebelling against?
    What you got?

  2. I’ll buy extra Chick-fil-A from now on, I’m so sick of Gays

    1. we have one as Salisbury Mayor now

  3. I'm so sick and tired of the loud minority trying to influence the silent majority. Who really cares if they don't like Chick-fil-A being on campus. The MAJORITY of the kids do. I rest my case, your honor!

  4. How about we start boycotting any and all businesses that promote the immoral lifestyle of the lgbtqfghisklmop community? It's getting to be quite tiresome listening to these mentally ill people shout down those who don't share their crappy ideals. This is America where we are all allowed to have our own thoughts and ideas. Why must they protest everything? Chick-Fil-A is awesome and they make good food. Also I would like to say that Epstein didn't kill himself.

  5. Good, that will leave more room for me.

  6. Who cares?? This little asinine POS are doing what Mommy and Daddy libutard tells them. This restaurant is soooo popular they won't be missed. But knowing these hypocrites will be eating there tomorrow.

  7. "A group of Oregon high school students..."

    How many?

    1. Are you going after them with your registered hands 356

  8. Let these ignorant, senseless, snowflakes walk...who cares??? I surely don't

  9. I bet Jake Day, Julie Glanz and Pete Buttplug approve this.

  10. what do ppl have against chicken sandwiches for goodness sake? Go to Popeye's and you could get attacked. Go to Chick-fil-a and you might run into protesters, atheists, and who knows what else.

    I'm so tired of ppl trying to inflict their views on others, forcefully at times. Whatever happened to live and let live? Minding your own business. Staying away from ppl or places one doesn't like?

    I'm getting older so maybe I'm not hip or cool to whatever is going on in the world now. But these types of ppl just seem like they have no life, they are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable.

    If one is offended by everything they encounter, STAY THE HELL HOME and stpo bothering ppl. PLEASE!

  11. POS cup cakes who's days r coming.

  12. If you don't like the chicken don't buy it,but the rest of us don't want to hear your whining.Maybe you should just go back to your safe space.


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