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Friday, November 22, 2019

Student expected to be charged after violent confrontation with staff at Owings Mills High


  1. A year in jail. Stop this crap now. Teachers cannot function with this going on.
    Let itgo, nobody gets tom have an education.

  2. Why aren't we hearing the same about the thug that assaulted 4 teachers at Parkside High School? Why is Dr. Donna Hanlin protecting these thugs? I guess they are lying to us when they are telling us nothing can be done because of the DOJ lawsuit?

    Mike Lewis, why haven't you filed charges on this thug yet??

    Jamie Dykes, what have you got to say about this?

    Bottom line, if they can do this in Baltimore City and charge these thugs in the schools then WTH can't they do it in Wicomico County?

    1. Lewis doesn’t file charges the state’s attorney does.

  3. This is one reason why I could not be a teacher. That little bast*rd would have been spitting teeth if that was me!

  4. Our superintendent has no spine. so the 10% of the bad kids cause havoc all day and the 90% of the good kids pay the price. Liberal thinking 101.

  5. What in the world makes these "kids" so emboldened? Why do they so adamantly and viciously defy authority? Who are they emulating? Incarceration? that is a "red badge of courage" for many who strut their stuff in the face of antagonism. Perhaps things at home are so chaotic they have no direction, guidance, nurturing, empathy, or hope. They are caught up in the entitlement mentality; perhaps that in and of itself is nuff said.

    1. 8:01 Low life parents and Obama made them feel emboldened that’s who.

  6. The children are revolting against an out of control Government who has sentenced them to 18 years of Marxist Indoctrination

    You want to teach that crap?

    Pay the price.

    Don’t like your options?

    Quit working for the government
    Ditto for the pigs on the highway

  7. If the school system would allow these punks get their asses kicked instead of putting up with them. Most will be in jail ANYWAY. DA BAD YO!!

  8. Northwest Woodsman: My first thought was that it was too bad there are so many cameras about. I’d have liked to guide that thug around a corner out of sight and tuned him up. Then again, teachers are not known to be manly and aggressive.


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