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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

'Solutions Are Obvious' - The US Higher Education System Is Broken

The US higher education system is broken. In many cases, it produces individuals with useless degrees purchased at outrageous cost. The system itself is an infestation of ultra liberal professors, spineless administrators and a student body that becomes more and more radicalized and detached from reality the more courses they take.

The higher education system is the incubator for the anti white, anti male, anti Trump, pro freak, pro censorship, anti gun, pro socialist, anti conservative, pro unlimited immigration, pro free everything mentality that pervades what purports to be the evening news. It infantilizes young adults to produce a steady stream of victims and mental midgets completely unprepared to meet the real adult world. In short, it produces the Democrat voter.

All is not lost, however. By and large, STEM graduates are less affected by the SJW mental aberration as their critical thinking abilities are necessarily on a higher plane to be able to cope with a curriculum that is more than just opinion. STEM fields have empirically based phenomena to comprehend and must use known tested methods of reasoning and logic to handle the problems and situations a particular field is called upon to investigate. Although STEM students are typically forced to sit through nonsense classes and regurgitate what the instructors deem critical information, they instinctively know its BS and promptly forget it once the class is over. They’re typically not permanently scared.



  1. NOT just higher INDOCTRINATION...K-12 is using the Failing, U.N. Agenda 21/30, Common Core System...When Students reach the higher learning stage; they are already dumbed down and easily led sheep who will believe anything their Communist Profs feed them...We are in a Crisis regarding EDUCATING our young citizens and must do something soon to turn this around...

  2. Boy, this nailed it!
    I have lost a lot of respect for teachers along the way. I have let friendships with teachers go because of the way that they changed.

  3. One of my co workers had 2 PHD's & wasn't even making a 6 figure salary.

  4. When you begin to dumb down the everything to help the lowlifes of society. This is what happens. Useless FOOL'S with useless PhD's.

  5. Right out of the Nazi playbook. Control the media and indoctrinate the children. That's the "nationalism" word they are trying to slap on Trump, which is nonsense. Different definitions.

  6. And that includes Wicomico County!

    Remove RINO Board member Gene Malone and Superintendent Donna Hanlin!

  7. Anonymous said...
    When you begin to dumb down the everything to help the lowlifes of society. This is what happens. Useless FOOL'S with useless PhD's.

    November 12, 2019 at 11:01 AM

    Most Doctorates in the education field are Ed.D's not Ph.D.'s.

    1. Libutards always play that game. You say this. We say that. Who cares. You get the jist of it. Or whatever asinine phrase you need to use.

    2. Gee ya think?? You knew what they meant. I guess you are one of the UMES PhD they are referring to??

  8. Does everyone know where Donna Hanlin was working before the Board of Education was so lucky to find her??

    She wasn't, she was UNEMPLOYED because no one wanted her. Now you've got what you wished for!


  10. Solution is home schooling. If you don't love your children enough, they will as witnesses by the transgengers telling stories to the children.


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