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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Social conservatives urge Chick-fil-A to reverse course

Influential social-conservatives have banded together to urge Chick-fil-A to do an about-face on its decision to stop donating to The Salvation Army.

Brent Bozell (Founder and President Media Research Center), Kay Coles James (President, The Heritage Foundation), Lt. Col. Allen B. West (US Army, Retired, Member, 112 US Congress), and an extensive list of other famous conservative faces have signed a letter asking the fast-food giant to resume its support for the famous charity, in addition to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Chick-fil-A relented to years of pressure by LGBTQ activist groups earlier this month.



  1. Yeah, and just as the Anti Christian people boycotted Chic-fil-a, we can do the same, so in reality it didn't win them jack shit... But riding the tide of the faggot train until that implodes... But hey stupid is as stupid does, and you can't fix stupid...

    Just like those keyboard warriors who say they will move if taxes are raised, as if taxers won't follow you or people who want to take your money in the form of taxes through councils and every other politician seat... Then what, where do you go once it is everywhere in every little town and city? That is why you fight back...

  2. the gays do not eat there any way. Why give in to people who already boycott you?

    1. Stand firm Chick-Fil-a, why give to a charity with so much corruption.

    2. I’m pretty sure you eat their.

    3. No, not really 6:59, just don't like the corrupt salvation army soliciting money from any and all that they can fool

  3. Sorry but I'm boycotting.

  4. 3:28
    There was a very interesting post the other day about who they donate to and why. Seems Chick-fil-a let a fox in the hen house. They thought he was conservative and was on the board with the Salvation Army and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. He was not conservative and has donated to Obama and Hillary. He is there to change things. CFA only donated 115k to the Salvation Army for their Angel Tree Program. Fellowship of Christian Athletes received only 25k last year. Meanwhile Westside Future Fund received 1.7 million. Sustainable Atlanta received 100k. There was also a $10,000 donation to Saris to Suits whose mission is to "advance women's empowerment, education, gender equality, and social justice."
    $20,000 went to the Latino Leaders Network, another $20,000 to the Harvard Debate Diversity Network, $45,000 to the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, and $5,000 was allotted to Friends of Refugees.

    I feel after reading everything they have said one thing and done another. Next they will be opening on Sunday and donating to BLM. Here is the link to the post from the other day. https://sbynews.blogspot.com/2019/11/chick-fil-put-obamahillary-supporter-in.html


  5. You're right, 3:49, and there is more info coming on what Chick-fil-A has donated to leftist organizations in recent years.. some shocking ones.

    I would like to give Dan Cathy the benefit of the doubt, but I'd say he had to know what was being done, and what his 'director of social responsibility' was all about.

    I tend to agree with the social conservatives that were mentioned in this post, but I'd probably be more plain about it..

    "Repent. Change what you're doing, or we are DONE with Chick-fil-A."

    No protests, no intimidation like the alphabet bunch-- just 'repent or we will go elsewhere'.

  6. It's stupid to close on Sunday. Drop the moral high ground charade.

  7. They have lost business.

  8. no longer eating at the Chick-fil-A until THEY change their ways...so sad to see this happen; as we really liked and supported them for many years.

  9. I have never understood why a business owner or company would get let the public know their opinion of controversial political issues. It just seems to me that the best thing to say is we don't get involved in politics.


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