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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sickening Survey: Smartphones Covered In Bacteria, Yet 1 in 4 NEVER Clean Theirs

Tens of millions of people carry their smartphone with them everywhere they go, including the bathroom. Our phones are always within our grasp, which means they are also constantly being exposed to whatever bacteria we may have accumulated on our hands. Unfortunately, a new survey of 1,200 Americans and their cleaning habits finds that one in four (23%) have never cleaned their phone.

Broken down by the gender, more than one in four men have never cleaned their phone (26%), and one in five women admit to the same hygienic oversight (20%). To put in perspective just how dirty most phones become, researchers estimate that a regularly used smartphone that has never been cleaned may hold more bacteria than an entire household bathroom.

According to the survey, conducted by antibacterial white light company Vital Vio, it’s common for smartphones to come into contact with various forms of bacteria and disease, including strep, staph, and E.coli.

If that isn’t enough to give you pause, consider this:

1 comment:

  1. I've never caught anything from my own bathroom at home. It's my bacteria, and I'm immune from it. Now a public bathroom is a different story, and my hands will be washed before I touch anything of mine. Much ado about nothing.....


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