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Friday, November 08, 2019

Scientists discover physical activity cuts heart disease risks by stemming unhealthy white blood cells that cause inflammation and clog arteries

Exercising regularly could decrease inflammation and help protect against heart disease, a new study suggests.

In research conducted on mice, scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital looked at one group of rodents that ran on treadmills daily and one group that did not.

The mice that got exercise every night had lower levels of a type of immune system cell that can turn into white blood cells.

This lowered their risk of chronic inflammation, which contributes to the formation of plaques that block the arteries and can cause cardiovascular disease.



  1. Big beer belly localNovember 8, 2019 at 8:17 PM

    I get plenty of exercise going from the couch to the refrigerator, and back to the couch to Watch Football

    that's plenty of walking for my heart

  2. EVERYONE knows a body in motion stays in motion. I workout everyday. It's hard. You have to work twice as hard for twice as less. My body aches. But it would ache 10 times more if I didn't workout. COMMON SENSE. But they paid for a study?? WOW.

  3. Exercise will kill you. It's the second mouse to the trap that gets the cheese.

  4. Yeah, and then there's those skinny health-concious long distance runners who drop dead of a heart attack while jogging. Go figure.


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