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Sunday, November 24, 2019

'Schiff Show' Roundup: Perjury, Nine Witnesses

Just when you thought Democrats had moved on to nailing President Donald Trump on Ukraine, they go back to the “Russia collusion” well. The Wall Street Journal reports, “The top lawyer for the Democratic-led House said impeachment investigators were examining whether President Trump lied in statements to former special counsel Robert Mueller.”

Rep. Jame Raskin (D-MD) explains, “It’s a crime to lie to federal prosecutors in the course of a federal proceeding. That’s perjury. It was also the basis for the GOP-controlled House’s impeachment of Bill Clinton for lying under oath, for committing perjury. So it’s a very serious offense — and it’s obviously something that we take seriously.”

So, along with shifting to “bribery” instead of “quid pro quo,” Democrats have latched onto a second word — “perjury” — to bolster their impeachment case. Constitutional and legal terms tested better than Latin in focus groups. Democrats may also be baiting Trump into testifying on his own behalf. He says he would “strongly consider” it.



  1. Wow, that cartoon really doesn't work anymore if you payed attention to the hearings yesterday. The two witnesses were FIRST HAND witnesses who heard the call, and reported the problems they saw with the tactics and the call.

    This house of cards is gonna fall.

  2. TRUMP Wins baby every time !!!

    Congress does Quid Pro Quo all the time by the way & so
    it means Nothing & must not be illegal if they are allowed to do it & so does every other country. It is simply Negotiation

    Trump did NO Quid Pro Quo !!

    1. "Congress does it all the time"
      So true, and lobbyists, and let's not forget the clintons

  3. Witch-Hunts hold no water !!! Not A court No court Rules

  4. Sondland is a Quid Pro Quo HoBo !!! YO YO

    Dems try to put words in the mouth of all witnesses as their
    Lawyer trys to lead them into saying what he wants !!!

    Would be Objected to in court & not allowed !!!
    This whole circus would not even be allowed in court in the first place !!!

    Witch-Hunt will be DEAD on arrival at the senate !!! FACT

  5. You hypocrites. If this was Obama you would have already begun your silly Civil War .

    1. 1:12 Civil wars aren’t silly. Obama was the worst President in US history. You were ok with Obammy sending Iraq 150 billion (bet you didn’t blink an eye). Trumps done nothing wrong. The Dems and people like you are still trying to change the outcome of the 2016 election. You’re on the wrong side of history my man and too too blind to see it. Get back with me on that traitor remark after you pull your head out of your arse🙄 I’m embarrassed for you.

    2. It’s all circus distraction. While they keep you at each other’s throats name calling worried about a Democrat or republican. Failing to realize they’re wings of the same bird. They killed the last real president that was anti war, anti fed reserve, and anti corporation. Our elections are false choice.

    3. You think no attempts have been made against President Trump, think again 350

    4. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 20, 2019 at 5:14 PM

      3:50 I agree with that statement,except the last sentence about the elections. Let's not forget where would could of been if Hildabeast won and Crooked Clinton's were in the White House again, God Help Us. Our Taxes would be sky high and our Taxpayers Money would "funding" every "charity criminal Enterprise" around the world, while the horses of illegals and drugs would be flowing at rapid pace from our Southern Border. So, just keep that in mind when those Socialists like Old Bernie, Sleepy Joe and Fake Indian Liz ask for your vote.

  6. Welcome to the new world of tough negotiating.

  7. All Witnesses have Only CLEARED TRUMP !!! Love it

  8. Time to go after those Dirty BIDENS !!! Guilty as Hell

  9. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 21, 2019 at 8:12 AM

    Just found hidden article about chick from Arkansas, who went to court and claimed Hunter Biden is the father of her infant baby and DBA proved her right! So Hunter boy after banging his brother's wife for while, met some blondie from South Africa and after 10 days they got married. And somewhere in between he banged this other blondie from Arkansas and got her pregnant. WOW, this family is full of "Winners"!

  10. Time to Round-UP Democrat Criminals !!!! Impeach Them

  11. All that got Rounded up > was the Democrats !!!

  12. You all have to understand that the democrats do not care if Trump is impeached or not. This is all a show to do as much damage to him as they can before the election gets here. If he was impeached, that would be a bonus to them. They are getting desperate and will do anything to discredit him to keep him from being elected.They will lie their azz off because no one is making them prove what they claim. As long as they cause him damage with this show, they feel it's a victory.


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