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Friday, November 08, 2019

Schiff Makes Up New Rules for Impeachment Inquiry

House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) issued a set of restrictions on Thursday morning limiting Republicans to calling witnesses that can respond to three questions, all of which reflect Democrats’ views.

The questions, detailed in a letter Wednesday from Schiff to ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) are:
  1. Did the President request that a foreign leader and government initiate investigations to benefit the President’s personal political interests in the United States, including an investigation related to the President’s political rival and potential opponent in the 2020 U.S. presidential election?
  2. Did the President — directly or through agents — seek to use the power of the Office of the President and other instruments of the federal government in other ways to apply pressure on the head of state and government of Ukraine to advance the President’s personal political interests, including by leveraging an Oval Office meeting desired by the President of Ukraine or by withholding U.S. military assistance to Ukraine?
  3. Did the President and his Administration seek to obstruct, suppress, or cover up information to conceal from the Congress and the American people evidence about the President’s actions and conduct?


  1. So what is turd head scared of. Why would he not want a fair and balanced investigation. Only two possible reasons. He knows this is a kindergarten shamm. He is trying to cheat and hide the truth which makes him a liar. And he is a communist

  2. Stacked deck, marked cards and dealing from the bottom of the deck, more tactics from the House of Cards.

  3. Push it and our great President will call in the military to restore our republic and the traitors that continue to overthrow our government. Get them out NOW !!!

    1. I have been expecting it. I am sure it will be necessary after trump hurts the snowflakes feelings when he humiliated them in the 2020 elections and Comey, and the crooked cohorts of the Democratic communist party are headed for a long secluded vacation

  4. why is SCHIFFTY Schiff not calling all involved and not just the ones he has interviewed and approved before their deposition? Supposed to be "fair and impartial".

  5. Because the ones interviewed and commie schitt, has had time to get their lies straight

  6. Time to IMPEACH SCHIFF !!!! & the rest of Demon-crats

  7. Northwest Woodsman: Can anyone tell me if he is a descendant of Jacob Schiff, a Jewish New York banker who helped finance the Russian communist rebellion and in 1918? Would be interesting to know if that communist gene runs in the family.


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