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Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Republicans should follow Rand Paul's brilliant lead on Trump's impeachment

Every Republican in Congress should be required to watch Sen. Rand Paul’s brief remarks at President Trump’s rally Monday night. They should all watch it again and again.

In the span of two minutes, Paul said everything that needs to be said about the Democrats’ impeachment effort.

He called on congressional Republicans to defend the president, he leaned into the attack on the corruption of the Bidens, and he hit the national media for refusing to publish the name of the career government employee who started the whole farce, otherwise referred to as “the whistleblower.”

“We also now know the name of the whistleblower,” said Paul. “I say tonight to the media, do your job and print his name.”



  1. Paul wasn't always a Trump fan,but he is now because the genius of Donald Trump forced him into a corner.The game of chess is not successfully played by everyone.

  2. What these luciferians are afraid? They are terrified of us,Donald Trump, Rand Paul and constituional american citizens. All they have are lies, deception, hate, and loser pagan ideals. Rand is correct, but as we can see. The above satanic slave label also applies to ALLOT OF RINOS!! Sick sad bunch of spineless wimps. They need to start shoving justice so far up these corrupt politicans involved in this MASSIVE ROBBERY OF OUR REPUBLIC.

  3. Perfect example of a RINO is Hogan.

  4. Trump is the RINO. He stands for NOTHING that the Republican party stands for , or what it used to stand for

  5. Come on
    It is much more simple that all of that.

    Intelligence is running a Psyop on the American public.
    Mr Trump is well aware of the Psyops and works for the same exact bosses as Barry and Hillary.


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