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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Republicans Laugh at Schiff’s Outrageous Claim He Doesn’t Know Name of “Whistleblower”

Republicans House Members in the room for Wednesday’s Intelligence Committee public impeachment inquiry hearing laughed when committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) claimed he does not know the name of the whistleblower whose anonymous second-hand claim of misconduct by President Trump with regard to Ukraine instigated the partisan impeachment process by Democrats.

Schiff was challenged by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) on whether Republicans would be allowed to question the whistleblower, saying Schiff knew their name and that Schiff’s staff had met with them. Schiff denied knowing the name.

The reaction by Republicans was reported by Alex Miller of Newsy, “Schiff says he doesn’t know the identity of the whistleblower, entire front row of republicans laugh.”



  1. then he wouldn't know if someone spoke the name for which he promised punishment.

  2. There is no whistleblower, entirely fictitious person. Kangaroo court at its finest. schiff is actually stupid enough to think this impeachment plan is going somewhere.

  3. Because > THERE IS N O N E !!!! All made up Bullshhtt !!

  4. Time to take away Oversight powers from congress !!!

    They are NOT a court Their JOB is making laws period !!
    They are NOT the FBI

    and they act like they are, and use (abuse) their powers
    to have their cake & eat it too , by getting around court Rules
    that the rest of us have to live by.

    A Real court should be stopping this non-sense & put an
    end to it !!! SCOTUS !!!! Put a STAY on congress !!!

  5. Where is the 9th Circuit NOW ??? Where are the STAYS ?

  6. The Dummy admits he does NOT know who the so-called
    Whistleblower is , so how the Hell can he even bring a case

    It all should be thrown the hell out, just like in a court !!!!

  7. Go to court like that , Not Knowing WHO the Whistle Blower
    is !!!! See how that goes !!!!

    Trump should Sue the Dems personally for Defamation &
    Slander !!!!


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