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Monday, November 11, 2019

Republican strategist Kimberly Klacik announces run for Elijah Cummings' Baltimore seat

As President Trump launches a new initiative to court black voters, Republican strategist Kimberly Klacik hopes to help his efforts by running for respected Congressman Elijah Cummings' seat in Maryland.

The former chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee passed away in October at the age of 68 after battling health problems.

As a vocal critic, Cummings had feuded with the president over living conditions in Baltimore which the president said was a "rat and rodent infested mess."




  1. I find it encouraging that the black and yellow sign in Princess Anne stating "Vote Democrat" has finally been taken down. It has been there for years. It was just south of UMES.

  2. After the 'rat story', and with enough RNC money, a republican might have a chance if they run on the right platforms.

  3. Please post the website so I can donate to her campaign!


  4. 'Respected' and Cummings do not belong in the same sentence. Realize the article was written elsewhere.

  5. No chance in that hell hole.

  6. She will win. She'll be able to continue the corruption seamlessly without any bumps in the road.


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