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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rasmussen: 59% of Voters Fear Violence from Trump’s Foes

A Rasmussen poll found that voters fear a greater threat of violence from President Donald Trump’s opponents than from his supporters.

“Voters see a bigger threat from President Trump’s opponents over policy issues than from his supporters if Democrats succeed in removing him from office,” Rasmussen observed. “One-in-three still see the threat of civil war in the near future”:

Democrats, the Hollywood elite, and the mainstream media frequently portray Trump and his supporters as intolerant, divisive, and even violent.

According to the survey, however, 59 percent of likely U.S. voters fear it is Trump’s foes who will resort to violence, including 34 percent who are “very concerned.”

More here


  1. We or they should be. There's some real polarized wackos out there. And somehow over time they think it's ok to act out their insanity on other people who don't agree with them.

  2. Nothing worse than a pissed off man bun pink pussy hat liberal commie.

  3. It's ALL BS. The ONLY violence we have seen has come from the Democrat POS. FACT. WHAT AN ASININE STORY TO PUBLISH.

  4. Well that is even a bigger reason to vote for President Trump. Take back all the power. That will STOP most of these idiots from becoming a victim.

  5. Antifa. GLAAD. University students (and teachers!!)

    They're already doing it. And virtually zero violence is coming from the conservatives.

  6. Just put two pictures together and compare:

    Nick Sandman

    Greta Thunberg

    Point made.

  7. As for violence, what has been the evidence so far?

    1. Seriously? How about. Antifa..or the destruction at colleges when conservatives speak...

  8. Northwest Woodsman: It has become obvious to even the dullest among us that president Trump’s opponents are the ones who resort to violence and that results from not being able,to argue and support their agenda and refute the rational points of the president’s policies.

  9. 9:54
    I guess the words "foe" and "opponents" confused you. Seems you are the asinine one. Look up those words and get back to us.

  10. The truth is that an armed populace has the needed self contained security to NOT commit unnecessary violence in order to protect themselves in the event of an a**sh**e attack from miscreants in our society. The miscreants should be thankful for an armed society that actually protects idiots, such as themselves, from their own harmful methods. But I still believe Darwin works in wondrous and mysterious ways and maybe we should let it work its way through the system. God Bless America and President Donald Trump. God Bless Darwin.


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