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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

PIERS MORGAN: Democrats have put all their chips on impeaching Trump but they’ve forgotten the golden rule of warfare: never start a battle you can’t win

There have been many great generals in the annals of history, often with very different ideas of exactly how to wage war.

But there is one common principle that links them all.

‘If a battle can’t be won, don’t fight it,’ cautioned Sun Tzu, the revered Chinese warrior from 544-496 BC whose tactical treatise 'The Art of War' is now considered a masterpiece.

‘Don’t fight a battle if you don’t gain anything by winning,’ agreed Erwin Rommel, the Nazis’ most successful general in World War 2.



  1. I am sick and tired of the Democrats. Time for Trump or someone to declare them all traitors and lock up the bunch.

  2. Piers has done a full 180° politically speaking.

  3. Time to start investigating every one of them
    Enough is enough

  4. Need California values in DC and cut the power off for a few days.

  5. The Dems are making sure The Donald gets re-elected.

    Everybody knows POTUS gets 8 years

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Rommel was the best commander period. Any failings attributed to him were directly caused by incompetency and inflated ego of Adolf Hitler who made some stupid decisions which ultimately lost the war. Some decisive decisions were beyond his control such as the invasion of Russia on 21 June 1941. It was actually a preemptive strike because his intelligence services concluded that Russia was preparing an invasion of Western Europe. Stalin had amassed a huge army along with thousands of tanks and aircraft for just that purpose. Since the winners write the history, we have been fed a pack of lies regarding Germany and its allies. When you start scratching below the surface you will find that Chamberlin and Roosevelt bear a lot of responsibility for the war and millions of dead, however, history books show them in a favorable light which they do not deserve. I have discovered that taking WWII history at face value is a huge mistake that I have made over many years of study.


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