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Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Nolte: Trump Launches Campaign to Attract Black Voters

President Trump’s re-election campaign will launch its ‘Black Voices for Trump’ coalition in Atlanta on Friday November 8, which again proves he’s really bad at being a racist.

“Black Americans have never had a better champion than President Trump,” said Katrina Pierson, Senior Advisor at Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “The Black Voices for Trump coalition will be a national effort to mobilize and empower Black Americans who support President Trump to help get the message of ‘Promises Made, Promises Kept’ into communities across America.”

The press release adds, “Under President Trump, unemployment for African Americans has reached historic lows and nearly 1.4 million new jobs have been added for African Americans. Black Americans strong support for President Trump will ensure a second term for the President.”

Hallelujah! Amen! THIS is why I support Trump.

My entire adult life, I have been waiting for the Party of Lincoln to be the real Party of Lincoln, and make a serious, focused, and yes — risky effort to attract the black vote.

John McCain didn’t have the courage to do this. Mitt Romney gave it one try before he ran away scared and crying.

Not Trump, though. Despite the best efforts of the fake media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) to smear him as racist, to mock his every attempt to reach out to blacks, to turn every black person who does support Trump into a “Crazy Uncle Tom,” Trump will not be intimidated.



  1. If you want to attract black voters tell the white supremacists wearing MAGA hats to stop being white supremacists.

    1. You are obviously a racist communist

    2. Making America Great Again has nothing to do with race

  2. 12:15 why's that? Because you have no rebuttal?

    1. Read my reply at 1:20 and shut up commie

  3. 12:15 is the type of person 11:25 is talking about LOL

    1. Just so you can catch up on history, the Democratic party was the party of the kik blacks are better today than they have ever been, thanks to trump

  4. I hope the writer knows that history reveals that Lincoln's plan, prior to his death, was to send the emancipated slaves back to their home countries, not for them to become citizens. Lincoln was murdered before he could finish his plans. Don't put him up on that artificial pedestal that that didn't exist until after he was dead. Lincoln definitely didn't plan on blacks ever voting in America. That's the "real" party of Lincoln.

  5. All of this history is meaningless, one can read the comments on SBYNEWS day after day, week after week, month after month, to get the current sentiment; blacks are not welcome in the GOP.

    1. You are clueless, they are all throughout consevitives. When ever a black runs for a Republican position you are the first one to call him uncle tom. See ya racist commie

  6. November 6, 2019 at 2:19 PM:

    Anybody that starts with "History is meaningless" tells me all I want to know about your opinion. Your opinion is what is meaningless, if you believe that. And you must be a Democrat, because you are clueless about the GOP. Trump has already done more for blacks in this country than the the first, so-called, black president. Democrats are the ones that keep black dependent on government handouts, and never letting them advance. And Democrats were the party of the KKK. But then again, you think "history" is meaningless. You'll never "see" anything with those blinders on.

  7. MAGA hats are in no way, shape or form racists. You are so ill informed. It simply shows we love and support our president.

  8. I do love a good debate that is calm, intelligent, loaded with facts and figures instead of emotions that I see all too often on here as well as other places.

    No one wins a debate by using smears, insults and shouting others down. When people stop talking to those types, it doesn' mean they won, the other people are just tired of your nonsense.

    Having differing opinions is great and makes for good discussions and sharing information. As hard as it might be, listening and allowing the other party to talk is the only way debates work.

    Just my opinion and something to think about perhaps.


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