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Monday, November 18, 2019

NOI 11/17/19 Wicomico Vehicle Fire Waste Gate Road

new patch


Date:   November 17, 2019
Time:  11:22 p.m.
Location / Address:  5300 block Waste Gate Road, Parsonsburg, Wicomico Co.
Type of Incident:  Fire
Description of Structure / Property:  2013 Chevrolet Traverse           
Owner / Occupants:   Steven Lewis
Injuries or Deaths:  None
Estimated $ Loss: Structure:  $15,000                    Contents: $0
Smoke Alarm Status: n/a
Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: n/a
Arrests(s):  None
Primary Responding Fire Department:  Parsonsburg Fire Department
# of Alarms:  1    # Of Firefighters:  5
Time to Control:  15 minutes
Discovered By:  Passerby
Area of Origin:  Passenger compartment
Preliminary Cause:  Incendiary (intentionally set fire)
Additional Information:  Anyone with information is asked to call the Salisbury Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal at (410) 713-3780.


  1. Must have needed a new transmission.

  2. It'll cost more to haul away than it's worth in scrap. Does the state fire marshal impound it as evidence?

  3. The Parsonsburg Vol. Fire Department had to be re-alerted multiple times before they got enough people to respond to this fire. That may be the reason it burnt as bad as it did.

    When the Hell is Bob Culver going to take control over this lack of leadership and appropriate response times. When is the County going to do something about this?

  4. November 19, 2019 at 2:55 AM;

    Holy crap! An arsonist torches a car using an accelerant, and you blame the fire department and the county!!!! What are you, nuts?

  5. To 2:55am. If you are not satisfied with the VOLUNTEER fire companies. Get off your lazy a$$ and join a volunteer fire company. Bet you won't do it because you're too lazy

  6. 2:30 is a volunteer that likes to play firemen, likes the tax break and discounts but doesn't show up on calls. Yeah we all know your type.


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